D. Meeting Notes

Fill out the following for each team project meeting


Date/Time: 11/3/2023 11:10-12:30

Members Present: Caleb, Joe, Vineeth, Walker

Topics/Agenda: Start on SDP project, discuss what game would be made, who would design what part. Also discuss how we’re going to fill out this website and  assign roles for the project

Action Items with names assigned:

Joe: Implementing boards

Caleb: Implementing logic

Vineeth: Implement graphics

Walker: Lead planner

Date/Time: 11/17/2023 11:10-12:30

Members Present: Caleb, Joe, Vineeth, Walker

Topics/Agenda: Work on specific aspects of the game, and discuss what more should be added:

  • Start menu: Walker
  • Board creation: Vineeth
  • Ship placement: Walker
  • Difficulty: Caleb
  • AI creation/operation: Joe

Action Items w/ names assigned:

Joe: Developing AI hit/miss selection

Vineeth: Fixing board issues

Caleb: Site upkeep

Walker: Developing Menu

Date/Time: 11/27/2023 6:30-8:30 pm

Members Present: Caleb, Joe, Vineeth, Walker

Topics/Agenda: Finish implementation and integration of each other’s code:

  • Menu finalization: Walker
  • Boards finalization: Joe/Walker
  • User attacking: Joe/Caleb
  • AI Smart Attacking: Caleb
  • Graphics, Sounds, Menu, Documentation: Vineeth

Action Items w/ names assigned:

Joe: AI/User board integration

Vineeth: Fixing board issues & Implementing Sound and start screen

Caleb: AI hit tracking

Walker: Difficulty selection, Win/Lose condition