Neonatal Nurse Specialists… What Do They Do?

1.Here is a video that interviews a neonatal nurse that has been working in the NICU for 10 years:

  • The nurse describes the highly rewarding nature of her job, even on the bad days. This is a good look into the emotional aspect of the profession.

2. Here is a link to the National Association of Neonatal Nurses website, where they explain what exactly neonatal nursing is:

  • Neonatal nurses work with infants who have a variety of health problems, including prematurity, birth defects, infections, and more. There is information on what to expect as a neonatal nurse, as well as career options and preparing for the career itself.

3. Here is an academic article about successful implementation of neonatal care: Hendricks-Munoz, K. D. & Prendergast, C. C. (2007). Barriers to Provision of Developmental Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Neonatal Nursing Perceptions. American Journal of Perinatology, 24(2), 071-077.

  • This article presented neonatal nurses in New York with a questionnaire pertaining to their perceptions of barriers for implementing developmental care. Some such barriers were staff nurses and physicians, NICU funding, physician leadership, and facility limitations.

4. Here is a book written by and for nurses: Boxwell, G., (2010). Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing. London and New York: Routledge.

  • This book is an extensive overview of the profession, and includes common practices and techniques in the field. Each chapter is written by a different neonatal nurse, all of which have experience in the NICU. They describe the anatomical and physiological base of many neonatal health problems, as well as management strategies to ensure that the NICU runs smoothly. Nurses are intended to apply this information to their clinical practice in the hopes that patient care will be as effective as possible.

5. Here is a source on how to become a neonatal nurse:

  • This comprehensive guide gives readers information related to what neonatal nurses do, the education needed, the necessary skills, and insight from someone who is actually a part of the profession. It also offers information related to the salary and potential job growth for those who graduate from a neonatal nursing program.