B. User Manual

Roulette User Manual-

  1. First the game will ask you what type of bet you would like to make. The choices are Red or black, even or odd, rows, sets of 12, sets of 18, or a specific number.
  2. After you chose your bet the game will ask you what exactly you want to bet on. This will be even, odd, red, black, 1st row, 2nd row, 3rd row, 1st set of 12, 2nd set of 12, 3rd set of 12, 1st set of 18, 2nd set of 18, and any number between 0 and 36.
  3. After you decide your bet the roulette wheel will choose a number to determine if you won or lost.
  4. Note: if you want to play again you will have to run the whole program again.

Under or Over 7 User Manual-

  1. The game prompts you to enter the amount that you have for betting. Once you enter the amount you have, it will ask how much would you like to bet for this game
  2. Once you input the amount you want to bet for the game, it gives you 3 stakes (a) choose number below  7 (b) choose number over 7 (c) choose exact number 7.
  3. Once you choose your option, it rolls 2 dice and it will decide what number you got.
  4. If you get the number that you had bet for, then your money gets added, if you lose the bet, then it subtracts the money you have and displays it as your payout
  5. The displayed payout becomes your new balance for the next roll/game
  6. If player payout is less than zero(0) or (o) , it is game over
  7. Otherwise,  it asks the user if they want to continue the game or not. If the player says yes, he continues to play, if the player says no, it says ‘ Thank you for playing’


  1. This is a guessing game where one player will start the game.
  2. That player will then be told how many letters the word they are guessing  contains.
  3. The player is given a number of guesses to get the word correct.
  4. To guess a letter you will be asked to type in a letter and press enter. If the letter is in the word it will be marked as correct and added into the correct placement of the word. If the letter chosen is not in the word the player will be asked to guess again.
  5. To win this game the player has to guess the word completely within the given guesses.
  6. the player loses if the number of guesses run out without the player guessing the right word. The Correct word is displayed.
  7. After the guesses are used up you will be asked if you would like to play again or not.
  8. Type yes for yes or no for no.


  1. To start the game the player will roll 2 dice
  2. the sum of the roll out is displayed
  3. if 7 or 11 was the sum on first roll, the player wins and game ends. Player hits run to player again
  4. If the sum is 2, 3, or 12 on the first throw, the player loses game ends.
  5. If the sum is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, the sum becomes the player’s  point (winning point).
  6. To win, you must continue rolling the dice until you make roll point (winning point).
  7.  The player loses by rolling a 7 before making the point(winning point)