Safe Space Guidelines


  • We all work together to build a welcoming community for both new and returning dancers.
  • This dance environment is inclusive and, as a community, we are accepting of all gender identities and performances, body shapes and sizes, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, cultures, religions, and races.
  • It is up to all of us to foster a space that is safe and comfortable for all parties involved, through a culture of communication and consent.
  • We respect personal space, boundaries, autonomy, and free will.
    • This means if someone says what you are doing is making them uncomfortable; whether that be a certain dance move, the way that you are embracing them, or something you said; then you stop this behavior immediately
    • This also means respecting your partner on the dance floor – if you are trying to do a potentially risky/uncomfortable move that is not typically done in social tango dancing – ie lifts or spins then asking your partner if they are comfortable with doing these things before executing them is necessary
  • We do not tolerate harassment, violation of consent, intimidation, or aggressive comments or actions.
    • Examples of harassment include but are not limited to:
      • Offensive verbal comments of any kind, including misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, ageist, or otherwise degrading language
      • Stalking
      • Non-consensual video recording or photography
      • Consistent or sustained disruption of events
      • Unwanted physical contact
      • Unwanted sexual attention
      • Disrespect of pronouns or gender
    • Respect the rights of any person to say “no” to a dance, regardless of their reasoning. No one is obligated to dance with you and, similarly, you are not obligated to dance with them.
    • Abuse of intoxicating substances at our events is not permitted. This pertains both to legal and illegal substances.
    • Individuals choosing to consume alcohol or smoke tobacco must be of legal age and must partake responsibly. Do not drink and drive, and do not offer alcohol or tobacco to underage participants.


Disrespecting any of these guidelines or your fellow dancers will result in either a reprimand or removal from the dance.  Repeated infractions will result in suspension from all OSU Tango events for the remainder of the semester.


If you ever feel uncomfortable at an event, please don’t hesitate to contact our safe space coordinator Holly Paden (Paden.10) or president Mackenzie Jones (Jones.6342) or anonymously at