Culture Romancing

As we humans moved into the the age of technology, pop culture was taking its place.  There are films, music, cartoon, books, plays that concerns around a group’s culture and there is a lot of debate about making millions off these cultures while the original groups do not get any.  These pieces of pop culture does exposes people to these traditions and cultures.  If you ever read a Stephen King book, you’ll hear a lot about the Wendigo but there is a problem that Stephen King is white and a millionaire and the tribes do not get any money for character as the IP is hard to claim.  It should be ultimately up to the tribes to allow their traditions and stories to be used in media.  My friend does romance the characters from Native Beliefs.  He enjoys listening to these tales and hearing about stories about the backwards being accepted.  He used these stories to cope with his isolation as a kid and respects the tribes with upmost respect and enjoys coming to their performances.