A fellow artist and good friend, Matt Yoho, started taking photos with his mobile phone while strolling on his lunch break. Recently, I have been inspired by his photos and decided to join him. Now the concept has quickly blossomed into a facebook group called Columbus Lunch Walks. The idea is that you take a healthy walk during your lunch break or daily break (not necessarily lunch), you take photos with a mobile device (tablet or phone), make any photo corrections in your phone, post it to the group page and tag the photo in the comments with #mobile #photography #lunchwalk. By posting to the group you are helping create a mobile photo gallery and by tagging the photos you are linking your photos to members in the group and any facebook user who might use those tags. Every Friday Curator, Matt Yoho will choose an image from the group to award the best of the week by making it the cover photo for the group. Below I have added some of my recent mobile pics I took with my Nokia 920 smart phone.