City Lights & Rural Colors – A Movign Image Artist Talk with Matt Swift

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Please join us for a one night only artist talk entitled City Lights & Rural Colors in The Oak Room Gallery by DeepWood. This artist talk is a continuation of the Crossroads, an exhibition in three parts, that is running from January through March.
Matt Swift local moving image artist and program coordinator for The Ohio State University Film Studies Program will be presenting his recent series of works City Lights & Rural Colors. This series of work bridges the two worlds of poetic documentary and structuralist experimental cinema. As part of the artist talk 7 short video works will be presented including City Lights Chicago, City Lights Columbus, City Lights Oglebay Park, Rural Colors Ohio River, Rural Colors Northern Ohio and a debut of his newest piece in the series, City Lights Cincinnati. Time for discussion and questions will be part of the presentation.

Thursday, February 20th from 6:30pm-8pm
Celebrating: City Lights & Rural Colors
Branch into The Oak Room through DeepWood at
511 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: 614.221.5602
Fax: 614.221.5653
Take advantage of the happy hour from the DeepWood seasonal menu and cocktails list.

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