EXAMPLE FROM PUBHEHS 6310 Principles of Environmental Health Science.
Dr. Weir’s Lab Example using Sway – https://sway.com/7Xf5Vay0JhRUNnGv?ref=Link
“Without an understanding of who we are, we are not likely to understand fully why we study biology rather than forestry, literature rather than philosophy. In the end, all knowledge is related; the journal helps clarify the relationship.” – Toby Fulwiler
In order to help you apply aspects of the Environmental Health Science Model to your community and your personal world, you will be creating a weekly Lab entry. Rather then submitting a word document you will be creating a digital entry of your exploration of concepts taught in this class. The goal of this project is to allow you the opportunity to deeply examine the thinking, interactions, exercises, and writing you have experienced over the course of the semester and connect them to your daily life.
This is an intentionally “vague” assignment, created to give you flexibility in demonstrating what you know and understand about these topics. You will select two topics from each block that most interest you. You will be doing this for:
- Block I Labs 1 and 2
- Block H Labs 1 and 2
- Block M Labs 1 and 2
- Block R Labs 1 and 2
At the end of the course you will have a portfolio containing 8 Sway entries.You can create an entry about *anything* that was talked about in the block that you find interesting and relevant. You must include all four required elements listed below, but other than than you have flexibility. If you do need some ideas to get you started, consider answering any of these Prompt Ideas for Lab Entries.
Any type of presentation that delivers the required information in a multi-media format (e.g. Sway or Power Point). However, Sway provides you the ability to make a complete portfolio from the beginning to end of semester. This will allow you to see what you have learned, how that has evolved, and themes for your EHS and public health interests. Furthermore, if ever asked what you learned with regards to EHS, you can use this portfolio in a format quickly growing in popularity to demonstrate this.
All Ohio State students are now eligible for free Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus through Microsoft’s Student Advantage program. Each student can install Office on five PCs or Macs, five tablets (Windows, iPad® and Android™) and five phones.
Students are able to access Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and other programs, depending on platform. Users will also receive 1 TB of OneDrive for Business storage.
Office 365 is installed within your BuckeyeMail account. https://osuitsm.service-now.com/selfservice/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=kb04733.
If you don’t want to download anything you can also access the web version of OSU Office 365 here. http://office365.osu.edu/ Click on “Buckeye Mail Users.”
As part of this platform you have access to a tool called Sway. When you log in to the web version you will see a “box” in the upper left-hand corner that will contain all of your apps. Select that box.
Sway should appear. (If it does not, select “All Apps” and you can find it there.)
You will be creating your Lab entries in Sway. It is easiest to access Sway using sway.office.com and then using your OSU credentials to sign into Microsoft Account.
Required Elements
Each weeks’ posting must have the following elements:
- Title/heading
- Description of the concept that you choose to explore in this block and why
- How it connects to you personally, professionally and as a scientist.
- One media element – this can be an image, a collage, a GIF, a video, or audio clip.
I strongly suggest using the same Sway for the entire course and adding one Heading 1 to your Sway for each of the eight entries. See what I mean here:
In your Canvas course, you will find one assignment for each lab entry. The assignments will be labeled with the block letter and lab 1. For example, your first submission will be “Block I Lab 1.” You will also be submitting “Block I Lab 2,”
Your individual assignment submissions will include:
- The link to your Sway. (If you are not sure how to get the link, read this document. Refer to the “Share your Sway from an Organizational Account” section.)
- A brief 1-2 sentence summary of your posting.
For example, Block I Lab 1 will have one link (to your first Sway post) and Block I Lab 2 will have the link to your second Sway post.
You will not be able to see other’s posts until you have uploaded your Sway. Once you have posted take time to explore the work of your peers. Engage them in a conversation, ask questions, get clarification. Let them know how your submission was different or similar to theirs. What did you learn from their work?
There are 8 Lab entries for this semester. Each entry is worth 5 points. You can earn 46 points in total for all eight lab submissions. As outlined in your syllabus, grading is as follows:
Block I Lab 1 | 5 points |
Block I Lab 2 | 5 points |
Block M Lab 1 | 5 points |
Block M Lab 2 | 5 points |
Block H Lab 1 | 5 points |
Block H Lab 2 | 5 points |
Block R Lab 1 | 5 points |
Block R Lab 2 | 5 points |
You will be scored using the same rubric for all 8 labs. The rubric is also in your syllabus as well as within each assignment location. Criteria and points listed below.
Compare the principle components and influencing factors in the exposure continuum from source to disease