Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital age



The most useful lesson I learnt from this module is from a ted talk by Laura Vanderkam in the lesson plans on what to do with your free time. I liked how she mentioned that, “we do not build the lives we want by saving time, we build the lives we want and then time saves itself”. If we try and incorporate that kind of drive in our life to achieve the life we want, we wont have to look for strategies to save time, and I think that is wonderful.

Something form the module I have already put into practice is reducing digital distractions. I try to evaluate my study environment now before diving into work mode by being more aware of my distractions and try and avoid it by maintaining an interruptors log, from the time management assessment from Module 2. The link to the article where I found the interruptor’s log is provided here

Although I have been using google account and drive primarily for google docs and excel the majority of my academic life for engineering assignment documentations and group collaboration, I have not made use of google calendars or the new google tasks feature now available to use. I would like to incorporate them in my schedule and make good use of them and try to be better at managing time.

As I constantly seek  for solutions to  better my situation and find tips for my fellow college students to be better at managing time, I came across this article that  gave me some useful tips as to how we can be more effective in my studying patterns  and would like to share. Globokar, J. L. (2010). 3 Getting Organized. In Introduction to Online Learning: A Guide for Students. (pp. 29-44). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc) Globokar (2010) summarized in her article a four step process to identify workspaces that matches one’s needs, something I found extremely important as I have always faced problems with finding a suitable place to get things done. It made me realize how important it is to find a suitable environment to study as the act of studying itself. I plan on applying the tips and tricks I have learnt from this module in my daily life and hope to be more successful in my studying endeavors.

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