CFAES’s Ohio State University South Centers will hold a workshop this Thursday, March 19, on growing “super berries” (such as the goji berries shown here) in Ohio. Details. The centers are in Piketon. (Photo: iStock.)
functional foods
Doc guac: Sustaining good health?
A recent study by CFAES scientists says eating avocado could help prevent vitamin A deficiencies. Learn more. (Photo: iStock.)
How to go goji: Small-fruit, ‘superfruit’ workshop slated
Growing small fruits can boost a farm’s income. Which in turn can strengthen the farm’s sustainability. Plus small fruits — not just grapes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries but elderberries, goji berries and aronia berries, too — taste great and pack a nutritious punch. You can find out more about growing them — yes, both goji (pictured) and aronia, two of the new so-called “superfruits,” will grow in Ohio — at an upcoming workshop by experts from CFAES. Sign up by July 11. (Photo: iStock.)
Oilseed Pressing Workshop today in Wooster
Bigger Buckeye berry crops? Better berry benefits?
Berry demand is booming, and new research and outreach by CFAES scientists should boost Ohio growers’ ability to supply it. The work relates to sustaining the state’s farms, including small ones, and to ramping up local food production.
Meantime, another CFAES scientist has published a study on the colorful compounds that make berries so good for us, and whether, unlike the berries themselves, they even make it past our mouth. The findings may lead to new functional foods — foods that sustain and improve our health.