Learn new ways to handle the stress of farming in a workshop during the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) conference.
Grow your well-being
“Turning Worry Into Action: Three Practices You Can Use to Stay Grounded on Your Farm and Connected to Your Community” goes from 8:30–10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 18.
Led by Fiona Doherty, PhD student in Ohio State’s College of Social Work, the workshop “will take a 3-pronged approach to leveraging well-being among farmers at the individual, community, and broader systemic levels,” according to its description in the conference program.
Participants will learn mindfulness skills, will complete an individualized mapping activity to examine and strengthen their social support networks, and, for larger and structural sources of stress, will learn about advocacy efforts and opportunities to leverage their voices.
The OEFFA conference is the region’s premier conference on sustainable food and farming. CFAES is one of the conference’s sponsors.
Learn more about the OEFFA conference, including how to register.
(Photo: Getty Images.)