Registration is open for Ohio Sea Grant’s Science and Outdoor Writers Workshop, set to be held virtually Oct. 28–29, 1–3 p.m. both days. Check out the topics and speakers:
Oct. 28
“Overview of 2020 Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Season, HABs Updates, Lake Erie and Aquatic Research Network (LEARN) Consortium,” Chris Winslow, director, Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab
“Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) and Grass Carp,” John Navarro, wildlife program manager, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
“Lake Erie Tourism Impacts,” Larry Fletcher, president, Ohio’s Lake Erie Shores & Islands
“Climate Change and Lake Levels,” Tim Fisher, professor of geology, University of Toledo
Oct. 29
“Cuyahoga Area of Concern (AOC),” Scott Hardy, Extension educator, Ohio Sea Grant
“Marine Debris and Microplastics,” Sarah Lowe, Great Lakes regional coordinator, NOAA Marine Debris Program
“H2Ohio Update,” Sandra Kosek-Sills, environmental specialist, Ohio Lake Erie Commission
“Yellow Perch, Walleye, Spiny Water Flea,” Travis Hartman, fisheries biologist, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
For more information, call 614-247-6684 or email