Blog Assignment 3

Opportunities are everywhere in the world. But some of them are better in certain places than the others. That is why people go to other places from their hometown: to seek opportunities. Many times they are driven by the situation that is not going well in their current places, for example war, famine, and corruption. Looking at the situation in Berlin, Germany, there are a lot of immigrants from all over other nations. Berlin attracts many immigrants because the geographic location of German as a country is near middle-east country that have a lot of problem within themselves. Meanwhile, there are not a lot of people choose to migrate to Indonesia, as the condition of the country is not as stable as other popular destinations.

Back from 1990 until now, Germany steadily receive many immigrants who seek better place to live. According to Indexmundi website, net migration rate is 1.5 people / 1000 people, that can be taken as more immigrants than migrants. People are attracted to move to Germany because it is one of the nearest country to move. Not only that, but also because people who migrates from their countries seek liberal lives that is offered in German, but not from their home country. For instance, in some Arabian countries women are owned by men in their families. There are some occurrences where women are killed by their families with a base of embarrassing family name, simply just because they show a little part of their body. However, those problems do not occur in Germany, which is why many people attracted to the freedom offered in Germany. Some of them also move out because of the civil unrest in the country, which is why many people from Syria migrate to Germany as the situation is not safe back in Syria. Other reason to move out is because of the salary. When people from third world countries work in Germany which is a first world country, they tend to get higher income than before. Especially considering that one of the most high level currencies is euro, which is the one that Germans use, those people can exchange the euro to their currencies, which is a lot.


Meanwhile, in Indonesia there is no immigration problem like Germany has. Looking at migration policy website, Indonesia migration rate is -1.2 people/1000 people, which means there are more people leaving the country than people move into the country. The problem with migration rates in Indonesia is mostly salary and type of work. Most people from rural Indonesia are farmers. I have been lived in among them, and there were a lot of those farmers’ kids who left their family to work either in the capital city or outside the country. Most of them left to become a servants and when I asked them why, it was just because they did not want to farm their lands, they want to be servant, as it does not require as much effort as farming. As for the salary, working outside Indonesia can tripled their income than if they work inside Indonesia. With less required effort while getting much more, the appeal of migrating to other countries seems to be a reasonable choice for Indonesians.



Germany Net Migration Rate.” Germany Net Migration Rate – Demographics. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016. <>.

Indonesia.” N.p., 08 Nov. 2016. Web. 06 Dec. 2016. <>.