Global Awareness

  • To be more globally aware, I plan on taking classes that will widen my perspective on diversity and issues that are present world wide. In order to get first-hand experience, I want to take study abroad classes in 3rd world countries that will both help the community while taking a medical course. I want to also join clubs such as doctors without borders and humanity in healthcare to learn more about medical global issues.

Original Inquiry

  • As a pre-med student, I want to began research. I am currently working to begin research with a professor in the heart and lung research institute of the OSU college of Medicine. Throughout this research, I hope to incorporate my interest in neuroscience into the studies. I would also want to research more about neurology and law and hopefully create my own independent project in order to learn about how those two topics affect each other in the real world.

Academic Enrichment

  • I chose neuroscience as I fell in love with helping people with mental illness and disorders. It also helps me stay on my pre-med track and explore the options of neurology and the different things it has to offer. I am considering minoring in genetics or law as I know that neuroscience and those two careers have a huge prospective of jobs in my future. These classes show that I’m dedicated in pre med and that I am also looking into other pathways.

Leadership Development

  • I want to join more clubs and start taking active roles as a leader. I am currently in the Indian Dance community at OSU and I want to become more involved in leadership within this community. This will allow me to become more engaged within my own culture and help lead those who want to be more involved. I also want to start leading with groups of people in order to learn more about team dynamics. My stye of leadership involves motivating those around me to participate and help lead the team towards a mutual goal rather than an individual goal.

Service Engagement

  • I am currently apart of Buckeye Fusion, this is a long term commitment as I want to be on the team for all 4 years. I also want to volunteer at low income communities in Columbus to help get medical care where it’s needed. I’m also a big advocate of how important education is and want to help those who don’t have easy access to a full education to be able to get those opportunities.