
Why Engineering?

It was only after entering college that I realized that high school was very monotonous. Sure, you deal with new classes, extracurriculars, or friends but the environment was rather confined and it limited what I can and cannot do. You do things that other people like and argue together to try to convince the teacher to give extra credit– it was just so homogenous.

As such, I didn’t think much about who I am as an individual or my career path. Yet, in my sophomore year, my friend asked me to attend an open house for a robotics event. In fact, I was rather lucky to discover, join, and enjoy my time at the Cat Attack Robotics. I moved around in several leadership positions on the team, one of which was the Wiring Lead. The roles for this position consisted of teaching team members, designing the layout and structures that support the wires, adjust to design changes from Mechanisms and Programming, and collecting an inventory of parts. Although my dad is an electrical engineer, I found my passion for electrical engineering purely from saying yes and going to the open house.

High School Influence:

  1. Science Olympiad
  2. Cat Attack Robotics (FRC)
  3. Discovery Lab Global Internship

Why did you choose The Ohio State University?

I rather enjoyed the college application process including the writing of essays, learning about the universities, and attending formal/informal college visits. In the beginning, I didn’t know much so I started searching for and compiling several rankings for undergraduate engineering (and electrical engineering). Next, I created a list of interesting programs and tried to learn more about the culture on campus. I was accepted at Purdue University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and The Ohio State University.

OSU appealed to me for several reasons. First, the campus was large which meant more people and more information. Of all the honors programs that I was accepted into, OSU’s Integrated Business and Engineering (IBE) offered the best experience. Also, both my parents were OSU graduates and the road trip to the campus was ~2 hours.

Ohio State: Where Engineering Comes to Life:

Spooky view of Lincoln Tower, Morrill Tower, and Ohio Stadium