I think that my first week at OSU went pretty well. I wouldn’t say it was any better, or worse than I expected, but it was just a whole different experience from what I thought it would be. When I first got here, I was so scared to do anything, even go to class! I didn’t want to leave my dorm. But now that a little time has passed, I’m starting to feel much better about things. I’ve made friends, gotten used to my classes, and I’m somewhat learning where everything is at on campus. All of these things combined have definitely made me feel quite a bit more comfortable with my life here at OSU. I think that I’m most excited to make new friends and to have so many new opportunities within my reach. Ohio State offers so much, and I keep learning about new groups, jobs, internships, clubs, and ways to get involved every day. I just love that there are a million ways to find a place where I fit in. I think that what I was most scared about, was also one of the things I was most excited for, making friends. I was kind of afraid of having to make new friends and knowing next to no one when I came here because I was afraid to put myself out there and meet new people. It’s scary to have to do that when I came from a very small town where I had essentially known all of my classmates since Kindergarten. Then to come here, a campus with more than double the amount of people my town has, was sort of a shock. I’m still shocked by it, every day! But, I am slowly getting used to it.
As for my expectations of OSU and the Humanities program, I’m just hoping that I come out of both as a better version of myself, someone who is more aware of the world and the people around her. I want to grow and learn and better myself as much as I possibly can and in any way. I can already feel myself changing and I’m so excited (and still scared) for what my future years will bring as a Buckeye. For now, though, I am taking this new life day by day, and finding joy in little things, like learning Italian for the first time, eating Jeni’s ice cream, or just calling my mom as I walk past my favorite tree in the Oval.
P.S. – It’s the magical looking one.