Module 7 – Final Post? Say Farewell to the Old You!

Message from the Tip Master:

Hello all, I hope you all enjoyed the many tips provided over the last few months. I want to thank you all for your continued support in this endeavor to better the life of all college students. Thank you for the opportunity to help me grow as I helped you by providing tips that coincided with the new tips that I learned throughout these months. Writing these blogs allowed me to learn more about myself and reflect on how I handle these topics. This then allowed me to prioritize these topics and trickle them down to you in tip form. I learned that I am very good at giving tips for time management skills, but find it hard to actually follow through with them. That lead me to tip one,

Tip 1Actively Time Manage! –  Make sure y’all take the extra time to actually time manage effectively. Do what you say, and say what you do. Make sure to follow through. Keep yourself accountable! Don’t let yourself slip. Keep active track of everything you do and when you should do it! Simple as that. Utilize tools to make up where you lack. For example, some people struggle with remembering certain appointments when swamped with so much to do. Utilize your online calendar or reminder app to help  Set these up in advance.

I also learned to manage my distractions. It was one of my weakness outlined in a time management assessment. I first had to find out exactly what these distractions were to be able to avoid them. Once you know what these are you should be able to find a simple solution to help with this. For example if you live with sibling or room mates that are sort of distracting, try switching locations in which you see them. Just to get work done. If you keep getting distracted by funny cat videos on YouTube, I’ll suggest allowing to watch some before you study and then place your phone in a hard to reach location so it can less likely distract you.

Over the last few months I have been engaged with discussion posts with my fellow classmates. One post we talked about online resources to help your research. From this post I learned about new technologies that I use today.

Tip 2- Find your Tools! – I’m sure many of you are familiar with the Apple phrase “There’s an app for that”. It’s because their is, app designers have been trying to create an app to fulfill all of your needs. This is the same with online resources that are web based. See my previous posts to find some examples.

As I close I urge everyone to hear this “final” tip that will promote a successful college life and career.

Tip 3 – Plan for your Future! –  This is crucial in having success in college, next to having a high GPA. Successful planning leads to less mistakes and more …… well success!

As we part I hope that these tips have helped you liked they helped me. Please continue to read my previous blog post to learn new tips! Say farewell to the old you embrace these new tips and step into the new everyone!

Module 6 – Boost your Academic Writing

Hello all Students!

These are your student tips in boosting your academic writing. Check it out!

Tip 1 Searching vs Researching: Know the Difference – The difference is depending on what you are looking for. If you are looking up a simple answer for something, just a simple search on google is all you need. When researching a topic for a paper of some sort you may need to look and critically analyze a few sources first before writing about your topic. Most academic classes will require research.

Tip 2Use Credible Sources – There is nothing an instructor dislikes more than a false point due to a bad source. Take the time to double check your sources to make sure it has quality, reliability, and utility. Especially the first two. There is a reason many teachers don’t accept Wikipedia. It has lots of great quality information but it lacks heavily on reliability because you may not know who or when information was typed.

Tip 3Use great resources – When writing utilize any resource that will help you where you lack. For example with grammar. with alternate word. Easybib as a siting resource. *POWER TIP* USE GOOGLE! It will get you great results very fast compared to the other search engines.


Thank You All!

Module 5: Enhance Your Classroom Note-Taking Experience

Hello All,

For all wondering a better ways to enhance the note taking experience, here are your students tips.

Tip 1 – Write the old-fashioned way – It has been proven time and time again that for note taking the old pen and paper is what helps  students retain the most information. The methods used in video below this tip explains different methods students may use that is great with organizing and highlighting useful information

Tip 2 -Type your notes – What? Isn’t this countering what I said in tip 1? Yeah sorta. Typing your notes and lectures are great alternatives to the traditional style of note taking, and works well for classes that it would be best to take in lots of information. For people with a fast words per minute especially benefit for this method so you can aggregate lots of data. Typing on a computer helps exceptionally due to the ability to organize and change large amounts of information and manipulate it to serve many different functions. It’s up to the student to correspond which type of note taking should be used with which course according to what the course allows….. of course.

Tip 3 – Listen… Actively – Active listening is focusing on listening to information for comprehension and connections. It is important to prepare yourself before actually listening so that you able focus with a clear mind and create an environment optimal for listening. It equally as important to always go back and reflect on your notes, the product of active listening for optimal memorization.


Module 4: Web Enhanced Reading ….. DO IT!

To lead a successful college life academically, active reading is critical to ones success. If you are able to to read quickly and efficiently while maintaining memory and comprehension you can do well in most course. Especially literary ones. Here are some student tips to effective reading.

Tip 1: Highlight Only Important Ideas – When having to read lots of content usually effective highlighting is key.  Remember that the purpose of highlighting is to draw specific attention to essential ideas that you would need to commit to memory. There is no need to highlight everything because that kind of defeats the purpose.

Tip 2: Do not “Multi-task” – As some may argue of the existence of truly doing two things at one time, it is proven if you are doing more than one thing at one time, you perform a significant amount less proficiently than if you were doing it alone. It is a danger and is risky to try. Since reading should be done to help commit to memory, it is best to be done by itself.

Tip 3: Do the work! – As a college student there are some courses to may be able to get by without reading. That is not a reason not to do it. By not doing the reading you get yourself in the mindset of not wanting or liking to. This most likely leads to not reading in classes you should and ultimately ends with a rough grade in the course.


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Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age – Procrastin….NO!

Since we are immersed in an ever-growing digital era the number of distractions spike higher and higher. When it comes down to take time to get some good work done it seems we just can’t focus long enough to get things done. Here are some student tips on reducing procrastination!

Tip 1: Structure and Planning – Giving your life structure is important if you are a student or in the workforce with assigned work and deadlines. Planning out when to do assignments rather than doing them at a convenient time will help get the work completed. Some times convenient times may never come unless you create them. Know your schedule and your free time. And assign your workload accordingly.  When building your plan for assigned work, give yourself time before each deadline to diminish the knock-back from unforeseen circumstances.  You never know if your car will break down or printer may not work. Give yourself ample time to to bounce back just in case.


Tip 2: Reduce Distractions – As a college student distractions are everywhere. On the phone, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. Family and friends can also make it difficult to get proper work done.  Knowing how to reduce your own personal distractions are critical to avoid procrastination. First you have to know what exactly you do when you procrastinate. For example, if you notice that you are the kind of person to answer your phone to every ding and vibration, consider putting it on silent for some time while you work. You can always check whats going on after you are finished. If you notice while you are home, that your siblings and parents hinder you from getting sufficient work done, maybe think of working on campus or at nearby library or other public place.

Thanks and use these Tips!

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

Hello All Students!

This week we covered a plethora of information regarding “netiquette” and communicating online in the for professional living.

See Here For More!

Tip 1: Practice professional formatting and grammar. One should never use “text lingo” such as: “brb” “lol” “rofl” “wtf” when they are in a professional setting. Avoid words like this and just spell it out. Also use proper grammar when writing to professors and other classmates. You never want to seem informal when addressing the dean of students or other upper faculty.  If this is a struggle for you please try checking your work on “” or “microsoft word”. Or you can have your work reviewed by a peer or professional. Format letters and research papers in the proper form as well.

Tip 2: Discuss on Discussion Posts. This may sound pretty easy. But in fact it’s actually hard for professors to have participation. If professors didn’t set specific deadlines and criteria for students to hit, students would not meet them. Teachers that asks for discussion posts typically would love for students to participate heavily. Put in the extra work and it will be rewarded.

Tip 3: With Group Work use Google Docs! When having a group project that usually is made up of 3+ members, remember that structure is everything. Suggest to use google docs. If you are doing a paper, spreadsheet, PowerPoint etc, it is imperative that you utilize this software. In an age where all utilize internet, Google Docs pushes and successfully allows for people who are not in the same place work on the same project in real time. Most lazy member will do their work if given a deadline and time to do it.

Thanks and use these Tips!