Module 6 – Boost your Academic Writing

Hello all Students!

These are your student tips in boosting your academic writing. Check it out!

Tip 1 Searching vs Researching: Know the Difference – The difference is depending on what you are looking for. If you are looking up a simple answer for something, just a simple search on google is all you need. When researching a topic for a paper of some sort you may need to look and critically analyze a few sources first before writing about your topic. Most academic classes will require research.

Tip 2Use Credible Sources – There is nothing an instructor dislikes more than a false point due to a bad source. Take the time to double check your sources to make sure it has quality, reliability, and utility. Especially the first two. There is a reason many teachers don’t accept Wikipedia. It has lots of great quality information but it lacks heavily on reliability because you may not know who or when information was typed.

Tip 3Use great resources – When writing utilize any resource that will help you where you lack. For example with grammar. with alternate word. Easybib as a siting resource. *POWER TIP* USE GOOGLE! It will get you great results very fast compared to the other search engines.


Thank You All!

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