Module 5: Enhance Your Classroom Note-Taking Experience

Hello All,

For all wondering a better ways to enhance the note taking experience, here are your students tips.

Tip 1 – Write the old-fashioned way – It has been proven time and time again that for note taking the old pen and paper is what helps  students retain the most information. The methods used in video below this tip explains different methods students may use that is great with organizing and highlighting useful information

Tip 2 -Type your notes – What? Isn’t this countering what I said in tip 1? Yeah sorta. Typing your notes and lectures are great alternatives to the traditional style of note taking, and works well for classes that it would be best to take in lots of information. For people with a fast words per minute especially benefit for this method so you can aggregate lots of data. Typing on a computer helps exceptionally due to the ability to organize and change large amounts of information and manipulate it to serve many different functions. It’s up to the student to correspond which type of note taking should be used with which course according to what the course allows….. of course.

Tip 3 – Listen… Actively – Active listening is focusing on listening to information for comprehension and connections. It is important to prepare yourself before actually listening so that you able focus with a clear mind and create an environment optimal for listening. It equally as important to always go back and reflect on your notes, the product of active listening for optimal memorization.


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