Module 4: Web Enhanced Reading ….. DO IT!

To lead a successful college life academically, active reading is critical to ones success. If you are able to to read quickly and efficiently while maintaining memory and comprehension you can do well in most course. Especially literary ones. Here are some student tips to effective reading.

Tip 1: Highlight Only Important Ideas – When having to read lots of content usually effective highlighting is key.  Remember that the purpose of highlighting is to draw specific attention to essential ideas that you would need to commit to memory. There is no need to highlight everything because that kind of defeats the purpose.

Tip 2: Do not “Multi-task” – As some may argue of the existence of truly doing two things at one time, it is proven if you are doing more than one thing at one time, you perform a significant amount less proficiently than if you were doing it alone. It is a danger and is risky to try. Since reading should be done to help commit to memory, it is best to be done by itself.

Tip 3: Do the work! – As a college student there are some courses to may be able to get by without reading. That is not a reason not to do it. By not doing the reading you get yourself in the mindset of not wanting or liking to. This most likely leads to not reading in classes you should and ultimately ends with a rough grade in the course.


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