Fourth-year Human Development and Family Sciences major Jessica Markowitz recently interviewed with the OSU Spotlight blog team. Though her college career is coming to a close, in many ways her story with student affairs is really just beginning.
When we suggested to Jessica Markowitz that she interview with us over pizza, she was more than willing. “It doesn’t matter if I’m hungry or not, there’s always room for pizza!” she joked in an e-mail. But Jessica, who works at the Wellness Center, as a Wellness Ambassador, at the Schottenstein Center and is invested in Student Leadership Advocates had worked up an appetite by the time we sat down at Adriatico’s on 11th Avenue.
At some point later in our conversation, she shared the following: “I want to be remembered for my positivity and radiating that feeling to others. Walking around on campus, you run into people who are stressed out or frustrated but there’s always that one person who smiles back. I want to be that person who smiles back. You can brighten up any situation just by being open and having a positive outlook.” True to her purpose, Jessica’s personality certainly brightened the dimly-lit pizza shop.
Jessica comes to Ohio State from Niles, Ohio near Youngstown. When she was in high school, she totally disregarded OSU as being too large for her to thrive. However, an unexpected visit to campus to attend a concert with a family friend left her speechless…but for the lyrics of Carmen Ohio. She looks back fondly on that first visit, when she claims she “fell in love with the campus and the spirit of Ohio State.” Now a self-proclaimed adaptable, adventurous and positive Buckeye, Jessica has set her sights on exploring beyond campus and into the city of Columbus. She loves the Short North and German Village neighborhoods, and is planning to participate in the Columbus Coffee Trail soon.
What has made Jessica’s experience here so extraordinary? Maybe that she takes the time to acknowledge how extraordinary her work in the Wellness Center has been. “It’s incredible to have so much responsibility coordinating the Wellness Ambassadors to improve the lives of my fellow students. I remember that often, especially when I talk with my friends whose jobs are less flexible, or less creative. I feel like I am doing work that really matters, and I am so grateful for that.”
Just ever-so-slightly stressed about taking the GRE and applying to graduate school to study student affairs, Jessica keeps her cool by exploring the outdoors with friends and engaging in development with her Student Leadership Advocates cohort. When we met with Jessica, she was in the midst of planning a comprehensive leadership retreat for SLA in beautiful Hocking Hills.
When asked about her mentors and role models, Jessica’s answer emphasized her passion for student life. “I’m going to turn that question on its side,” she mused. “I’m more empowered by the students around me – people who are actually my age and a part of my community. The work they do is so inspiring. I hope I can be an inspiration to them as well.”