Erin Lee sat down with the communications team in the Office of Student Life to share a little bit about her life as a Buckeye. We hope you will find her story as extraordinary as we do.
Erin Lee – a third year Sociology major who hails from Cleveland, Ohio – possesses the kind of warm and friendly smile that instantly conveys she doesn’t know an enemy, let alone a stranger. When asked why she chose Ohio State, Erin smiled wide. “I have a big personality! I honestly felt like OSU was big enough to handle me so I could stay busy.” It’s with this energy that Erin has become hyper-involved in the campus community. She has served as Vice President of the Society of Sisters, as a mentor in College Mentors for Kids, on the Leadership Cohort for Women’s Student Initiatives and as a Presidential Host.
This past summer, Erin journeyed to South Africa on a volunteer trip through Buck-I-SERV, which cemented her passion for serving children. She most enjoyed her time working in the schools in Cape Town, reflecting that even though she didn’t speak the same language, she could still communicate on a human basis using motions, hand gestures and hugs – “lots of hugs!”. During her stay, Erin spent time at a women’s co-op, challenged herself by climbing a mountain and enjoyed bonding with one of her mentors – Dr. Javaune Adams-Gaston (Dr. J) who is the Vice President for Student Life at Ohio State.
Erin described her admiration for Dr. J this way: “She’s just brilliant, she has three undergraduate degrees, a master’s degree and a doctorate! We spent time reflecting every night on the trip, and I loved listening to her wisdom. Even though she’s been on the same trip a number of times, she learns something every time. She learns things from us, and we learn from her, too.” Erin shared that the silver elephant charm on her necklace was a present from Dr. J, which she now wears every day. Returning to the states, Erin thought about how the experience changed her. “It has motivated me to advocate for those who don’t have a voice, or the opportunities and privileges I have had. I want to spend my life giving back in that way.” With a minor in Public Health, Erin’s ultimate goal is simply to help others and hopefully work with children one day. Even though graduation seems like it is a long way off, she is already considering attending graduate school for occupational therapy so she can work with students who have physical disabilities to help them overcome challenges.
As a Marketing Intern in the Office of Student life, Erin enjoys learning about opportunities to be involved at Ohio State and spreading the word to her friends and peers. “Just being a student – and getting to see the work that other people do for us behind the scenes – is amazing. They really do have our best interests at heart. All the time.”