Housing & Residence Life

Our goal is to provide a safe, secure, clean and comfortable living environment, while creating connections between the academic, interpersonal and recreational lives of students.  The undergraduate residence life experience at Ohio State was founded on the principle that meaningful learning occurs in both classroom and out-of-the-classroom environments.

For more information regarding housing at Mansfield, contact:

Ohio State Mansfield Housing Office
1365 Springmill Road
Mansfield, OH 44903

(419) 747-8500

Off Campus Housing Alternatives

The University offers an off campus services website (mansfield.osu.edu/future-students/housing/).  There is also a link to the Richland County Transit Authority (RCT) on this page. After linking to their site, you need to choose Service and Fixed Routes.  OSU is on Bus Route 9 and 13 (which runs between campus and the Kehoe Center in Shelby).

If you are living off-campus, whether in the Columbus area or at a regional campus, let the offices of Neighborhood Services and Collaboration and Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement be a part of your off-campus and commuter living experience.  Their website is offcampus.osu.edu/