The Ohio State University

Monotone meshfree methods for linear elliptic equations in non-divergence form via nonlocal relaxation

Speaker: Qihao Ye (UCSD) Dates: 2023/01/20 Zoom link: click this link Abstract: We design a monotone meshfree finite difference method for linear elliptic equations in the non-divergence form on point clouds via a nonlocal relaxation method. The key idea is…

Search for Time accuracy: A Variable Time-stepping Algorithm for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Speaker: Wenlong Pei (OSU) Dates: 2022/12/01 Abstract: Dahlquist, Liniger, and Nevanlinna proposed a two-step time-stepping scheme for systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in 1983. The little-explored variable time-stepping scheme has advantages in numerical simulations for its fine properties such…

Investigating Stability for Implicit-Explicit Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (IMEX-DG) on the Linear Convection-Dispersion Equation

Speaker: Joseph Hunter (OSU) Dates: 2022/10/20 Abstract: In this talk we will introduce the Local Discontinuous Galerkin for a linear convection-dispersion PDE. The stability of this method when paired with an Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta time-stepping method will be investigated using the…

Bayesian Radar Image Formation

Speaker: Victor Churchill (OSU) Dates: 2022/10/27 Abstract: In this talk, I will present a Bayesian approach to the inverse problem of radar image formation. We will formulate a posterior distribution that has desirable properties with respect to specifics of radar…

Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin(RKDG) methods and cRKDG

Speaker: Qifan Chen (OSU) Dates: 2022/09/29 Abstract: Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DG methods) form a class of numerical methods for solving differential equations. They combine features of the finite element and the finite volume framework and have been successfully applied to…

Interface Problems and Immersed Finite Element Methods

Speaker: Yuan Chen (OSU) Dates: 2022/09/22 Abstract: In this talk, we introduce PDE interface problems and their applications. A brief picture of Immersed Finite Element Method (IFEM) for interface problems will be sketched. Upon sharing the basic ideas and theoretical…