The Ohio State University

Reduced order model for kinetic and transport problems

Speaker: Zhichao Peng (MSU) Dates: 2023/02/24 Zoom link: click this link Abstract: Numerical simulation plays an important role in various engineering and scientific problems. Reduced order model (ROM), a technique to reduce degrees of freedom needed in numerical simulations, is…

Deep Neural Network Modeling of Unknown System Dynamics

Speaker: Zhen Chen (Dartmouth) Dates: 2023/02/17 Zoom link: click this link Abstract: There are numerous observational, experimental, or simulation data for problems in science and engineering. Differential equations governing the underlying dynamics are often unknown for some systems. The ability…

Dynamical System Learning via Neural Networks

Speaker: Zhongshu Xu (OSU) Dates: 2023/02/09 Abstract: This talk will briefly review Prof Dongbin Xiu’s work on dynamical system learning and Neural Networks. First, I will discuss the connection between Euler forward scheme and ResNet, and why multi-step ResNet can…

Introduction to Bayesian Neural Networks.

Speaker: Tatsuoka Caroline (OSU) Dates: 2023/02/02 Abstract: I will be reviewing the Bayesian Neural Network framework. With sufficient data, current deep learning technologies offer a tool to better understand and predict dynamical systems behavior. However, uncertainty in predictions can arise…