Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies – Module 5

The internet is a great place for learning and has resources that can connect you to traditional learning material and modern techniques for learning. Being able to absorb and sort through material is important because there is a lot of it on the internet. A good way of learning or be entertained on the go is through audio recorded media. Podcasts and audio books are something that I have used in the past and have helped me learn when I don’t have time for a screen or book to be in front of me. They do require an active listening strategy to get anything out them and if you aren’t paying attention can miss crucial details. Audio can also be tricky for listeners because every detail has to come through the audio. There are no other senses associated with the audio so listening for tone, volume, and structure is important.

The next media type which I think is probably easier for learning is video because there are multiple senses being used at the same time. By using the audio and video senses of a person you can get access to all sorts of creative ways of teaching. Using graphs, text, pictures and many other things are important for visual learners. I myself have had a great deal of success learning through video because I can pause or watch a video again if I don’t understand something. I think that it is also important that both types of media are available whenever the person wanting to learn feels like they are ready to learn. Going to a class can sometimes be at an inconvenient time where a person won’t get everything they need to learn out of the lecture. I know that for me morning classes have not always been at the best time resulting in me slacking off when taking notes or participating which is something I think a lot of people can relate to.

One thought on “Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies – Module 5

  1. I like how you make the connection that videos get at multiple senses at one time, therefore they engage our brains in many more ways than just one. I thing that videos are the most versatile way for everyone to learn, because they incorporate images for visual learners, and words for more regimented learners . In this way, videos reach a far broader spectrum of people than just images or just words or verbal communication.

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