STRIVE Lab and Olentangy River Wetlands partnering with USFWS and ODW to study and conserve wetland fishes

The Strive Lab has partnered with the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the Ohio Division of Wildlife on a new project related to the ecology and conservation of rare wetland fishes. In the first phase of the study, we will be working with multiple species (see photos below) that currently exhibit low populations with restricted ranges in Ohio. Propagation activities will take place at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, where new rearing ponds are currently being constructed. Research and reintroduction sites will initially be in wetlands of Battelle Darby Metro Park.

For additional information, see recent WSFWS post:



Pugnose Minnow



Iowa Darter



Lake Chubsucker



Blacknose Shiner