As part of our Mobile Learning activity, Carla, Josh, and I brainstormed apps that can be used to promote each level of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.
Lucidchart- Comparing/classifying information from the class using charts such as venn diagrams, mind maps, etc. (CJ)
Pinterest- Create a board with slides of class content for students to add in their own thoughts about each idea/content bullet. (CJ)
Wordle- Create a thought-map of keywords students associate with a topic. The more times a word is listed by students, the bigger it appears in the thought-map. Useful to check where student understanding might be lacking. (SS)
Wolfram-Alpha: Introduce wolfram-alpha as a new search engine for students to use. Extremely academic and intelligent, it is beneficial to both educator and students looking to understand new topics. (JG)