As part of our Mobile Learning activity, Carla, Josh, and I brainstormed apps that can be used to promote each level of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.
Poll Everywhere- Ask review questions at the beginning of class related to the material covered from previous sessions. (CJ)
Evernote- Students can create notecards during class to help review for quizzes, exams, etc. (CJ)
Apps for review- Depending on the kind of review needed, there might be an app that contains the information students are trying to remember, such as the characters used in Japanese or Korean alphabets, the elements in the periodic table, or the capitals and names of U.S. states or countries worldwide. (SS)
Calendar – While a simple app that is free on every phone might seem just that, simple, a well maintained calendar is extremely beneficial to a student preparing for classes. Events such as quizzes, tests, etc. can be shared by an educator with their students with relative ease. (JG)