Student-led Lesson on Video:
Pre-assessment tools/Writing prompts–I had the class list all the words they associate with the topic of video and share them to show the breadth of the topic we would be addressing.
Questioning–Asked discussion questions to foster conversation between all members of the class.
Use a variety of instructional strategies–Instead of simply using a PowerPoint presentation, I also incorporated a number of videos both to give examples and to give the class an entertaining way of understanding the material.
Micro-teaching #1:
Assess content and learning needs of different learners–Scott and I took into consideration what we knew about the class’s backgrounds and interests and used that to create a lesson on MOOCs that would provide valuable examples and information for their needs. Before we started our presentation, we did a knowledge check to see who knew of MOOCs or had taken one before.
Use a variety of instructional strategies–We alternated between a PowerPoint, a video on MOOCs, and individual responses or group discussions.
Group students for group work based on instructional need–We placed the class into two breakout groups and had them address different questions, then allowed the groups to share their thoughts with everyone else when we came back together.
Micro-teaching #2:
Help students develop individual and group learning goals–Narmada and I made sure at the beginning of our presentation to state the learning goal of our lesson on children’s literature and educational psychology. At the end of our lesson, we asked the class to consider how they could use another field of study to teach a difficult concept in their own fields.
Questioning/Student interviews–Through the use of discussion questions we prepared beforehand, we assessed if the class was following on our same train of thought and were able to see how we were using children’s literature to teach them (in a very brief overview) the two psychological concepts.