Badge 2 – Assessment – Formative and Summative

Student Led Lesson on Video:

Although I did not put my questions onto slides, I did have the class interact with the topic by asking open-ended questions and facilitating a discussion that incorporated all of our various fields of expertise as well as our interests.  One of the activities I asked the class to do with me was to list all of the word associations they have for the term “video”.  After our class, I took these lists and I incorporated them into a word map using a website called Wordle.  The bigger the word, the more times it was listed by the class.


Micro-teaching #1:

Scott and I included two types of assessment as part of our presentation:

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We checked knowledge by having students raise their hands in Carmen Connect (formative assessment), and then we later broke the class into two groups using the breakout feature, and had them complete lists of pros and cons together (summative assessment) that were then brought back together for a whole class discussion.  Although we were pressed for time, we did our best to make sure everyone was able to engage with the material.

Micro-Teaching #2:

Narmada and I also included several discussion questions to help the class understand our idea of using children’s literature to teach psychological concepts:

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We attempted to do both individual and group assessments during the time we had available.

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