2531 Test Blog Post

As you know in AGRCOMM 2531 we will be using u.osu.edu for your blog assignments. Through this process we will develop and sharpen your blog writing skills. For this test blog, you will practice using the platform and the information will provide you tips on writing blogs for this class. This paragraph is an example of an introduction to a blog post.

What should I write?

Blog writing is a specific type of writing that incorporates creative formatting, header use, and media or other external sources to strengthen content. You will create blog content that is informational, creative, and reflective. Prompts and idea starters will be provided to help guide your writing. Each blog post should be a minimum of 400 words. Blog posts are due on Sundays at 11:59pm. Whatever you write, should be unique to you and your ideas. Prompts and idea starters will be provided to help guide your writing. You may have to do additional research outside of the course modules to complete you blog posts.

Should I use headers?

Yes! Headers, like the ones you see here add to readability and help people skim information. Headers are recommended for blog writing. So, let’s get used to using them in blog writing now!

Should I use feature images or other media?

Yes! This is another good practice for blog writing. In the real-world images and media will boost engagement with your blog posts, which can then be beneficial for your brand or business. However, media should be purposeful when its used. Its inclusion should add to the blog writing not take away from it. We will practice using some media today.

How will I be graded?

Each blog post will be worth 40 points. You will submit the permalink to your post on Carmen for grading. Blog posts are due on Sundays at 11:59pm. Each blog post should be a minimum of 400 words. The grading rubric is below.

Rubric Image

Blog writing is an important skill used by many businesses today. My hope is that the blog you keep in this class will help you become comfortable with blog writing and basic web-design skills. As a bonus, the writing may also help you learn and retain some of the course content 😉

Let Nicole and I know if you have any questions. This paragraph is an example of closing paragraph – also if you’re curious this post was 530 words.



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