My freshman year of college has enabled me the opportunity to further develop my perspective on many issues affecting the future of my generation– such as climate change, cultural awareness, and language fluidity. As a student in the International Affairs Scholars program, topics like these have always been important to me. This past October, I traveled to Toronto with my friends in the same scholars program. Though Americans and Canadians have many things in common, we are different; and it was nice for me to see things from a slightly different point of view. I previously had never been out of the country, and although I expected Toronto to resemble a typical American city, it was still fascinating for me to walk through the financial district and think about the operations of the businesses around me: HSBC Bank Canada, Bank of Montreal, RBC Royal Bank, and more. For several nights straight, I walked through the financial district and reflected on my interests in investing, financial planning, and the inter-connectivity of world financial markets. My trip to Toronto allowed me the opportunity to cement my passion for finance and experiencing new cultures simultaneously; whether we recognize it or not, our world is increasingly inter-connected/inter-dependent every day. The path to development for all countries lies in effective investing, financial planning, and participation in a global economy. It was an ecstatic experience for me to be able to experience Toronto’s culture and financial district as I continue to come to a deeper understanding of what I want to continue studying.