In high school, Stierhoff developed his leadership abilities and character through participation with several different school groups. Through his eight seasons as a varsity athlete on the golf and baseball teams, he developed his self-discipline and time management skills by balancing academics with busy sports schedules. Furthermore, Stierhoff founded a Jr. Red Cross volunteering club and worked to grow the club to have more than 15 members volunteering on a weekly basis. During the summer before his junior year, he was selected to be one of the student-leadership ambassadors from Ohio for the 2014 Hugh O’ Brian Youth World Leadership Congress. After years of volunteering with the Red Cross and National Honor Society, he had completed more than 400 hours of service in sum and received the National Presidential Service Award in recognition of his commitment to giving back. In his free time, Spencer pursues his interests in international affairs and business through reading and engaging in debate with his friends. His interests in acquiring new languages, his passion for different cultures, and his business-minded mindset have lead him to consider an array of careers from diplomat security to working abroad for a multi-national corporation. Spencer believes that the best way to develop his interests as a first-year student at The Fisher College of Business is to develop strong relationships with his professors. In the process, he wants to befriend individuals who can help him further his knowledge in the fields of personal finance, supply chain management, operations management, economics, risk management, and logistics. Stierhoff is always open to new advice and is working hard to establish himself as a successful student at The Ohio State University.