Foster Care Reflection

It is clear from the articles that I’ve read, along with the supplementary resources, that children do much better when placed in safe, stable environments. This is obviously the ideal, and isn’t always attainable in every case. However, if we as a field could systematically revise the current foster care system so that administrative decisions (case work being shifted between agencies, changes in social workers managing cases, etc.) would not affect the likelihood that a child would be moved out of a stable environment home, than that could significantly reduce the amount of moving and therefore the amount of trauma that can be inflicted on a child due to instability. Also, behavioral issues from children within the foster care system is another reason for constant movement which than inflicts more trauma. This cycle of trauma has the possibility of being stopped if the behavioral issues a child presents is seen under the perspective of trauma informed practice. If the underlying trauma is addressed and dealt with within a child, than the behavioral symptoms of that child will often be worked out as well. Than, with the behavioral issues reduced, ideally they would be able to stay in one home. In summary, I believe the social field is and should continue moving in the direction of trauma informed practice, particularly in the area of child welfare and the foster care system. I also believe the evidence, including many of the articles and resources I’ve posted support this argument.