Service Learning: Buck-I-SERV 2023, Seattle, Washington

The project I came to choose was a Buck-I-Serv trip to Seattle, Washington where we would volunteer with various local charities. This was a service-learning experience where we participated in different efforts such as meal centers and food banks, but also environmental cleanup.

My STEP Signature Project truly transfigured my understanding of myself and my view of the world. Through my experience of spending a week across the country with a group of students, I didn’t previously know, I learned a lot about myself. I was challenged by the struggle to remain confident in myself and my ability to thrive during the trip. It’s intimidating to put yourself out there but it can be even harder to keep persistence because it’s not easy, but is very rewarding. To outline, I learned that we are sheltered by our comfort zones, but real growth happens when we exceed them.

Throughout the week on my Buck-I-Serve trip, I stayed in a house full of other Ohio State students. I had only met them on a few occasions before we set out across the country to Seattle. It felt like we skipped a step in a traditional relationship of slow connection because we were instantly acquainted. This made our service-learning experience even more beneficial. Not only were we familiarizing ourselves with the outreach, but also with each other.

One organization we volunteered at was called OSL which carries out a mission to serve meals that are nutrient-dense, culturally relevant, and medically sensitive, to those who struggle with hunger in the community. The individuals from the organization that I had the privilege to work alongside of were incredibly kind and wise as they taught me many valuable lessons I’m not sure I would have learned elsewhere. They were eager to share with us their unique and complicated stories. I hope to be more like them and spread my wisdoms bf knowledge just as readily.

An interaction I had that changed my understanding of the world around me was one of conflict and resolution. While volunteering with a group of local volunteers, my peers and I found it necessary that we discuss the challenges that surround the task of cleaning up abandoned homeless camps. Aside from the physical challenges such as cleaning up needles, we felt a moral challenge around homelessness in general. It felt invasive to clear out what was once someone’s belongings. We came to deeply discuss the issues and helped the volunteers from the community really realign with their intentions and values. This taught me that I am capable of communicating my feeling and making a change. 

This transformation is valuable to me as it will shape the way I approach new relationships, world views, and conflicts. My goals and future plans consist of pursuing a life that is fulfilling to me. I hope to be of service to others and this experience helped me confirm that. I also believe a change that occurred was one of the way I view myself. I have always been my own biggest critic but now, not so much. I’m confident in my abilities and will continue to work hard to achieve my goals.