STEP Reflection

  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.


My STEP signature project involved me taking part in research about the electromagnetic analysis of symmetric synapses on the dendritic shaft and the myelination status of segmented axons. The main activities of the research project entailed analyzing electromagnetic data of nearly five hundred brain slices taken from a mouse and mapping where the inhibitory synapses were located. We must first correctly identify what type of synapse they are, and once we do so, we color in the axon in all of the slices that it shows up in which will allow us to eventually get a 3d model of it.


  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place.


From this experience, I learned a lot about the type of research we do in the lab and the sheer amount of detail it can go into. Before working on the project, I had a lot of prerequisite knowledge about neuroanatomy that I needed to acquire. This took much longer than expected as things got more complicated the deeper, I dove into it. It allowed me to understand just how long it can take to be an expert in this type of field. The number of concepts you have to learn and then piece all together is no easy task in neuroanatomy and it allowed me to have greater respect for the people who are experts in this such as my PI. I also learned that with certain concepts, you must be very dedicated and motivated to learn because it’s not something that can be grasped otherwise. It allowed to me further see why there aren’t many experts in this field, the amount of time and dedication required to become one isn’t something most people want.


  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation.


In our lab, we had weekly meetings throughout the semester. These meetings often involved talking about progress made in different projects and sometimes the beginning of new projects. I was very shocked to hear about how detailed some of the projects can get. I was often amazed at how detailed some of these projects can be and from this I learned that it’s only possible to get to this level by being passionate about the subject and staying dedicated to getting it done. I often forget the implications this type of research can have, but by remembering them, I was able to work harder to increase my level of understanding of the subject to reach the end goal.


While working on the project, I thought about implications more. The data we are collecting can aid the progress of numerous other projects we conduct in our lab. This can have an exponential effect and can help more projects or ideas than I could have imagined. This showed me the importance of the work I was doing. By identifying the number of inhibitory synapses in the data, we are not only able to understand the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory better, but also why it’s so specific. This can allow us to have a better understanding of the overall system in the brain. It can also give us a better idea of why the overall structure looks the way it looks. This level of detail can only be accomplished with the use of electromagnetic imaging techniques as these structures are very small.


Often, I struggled to make significant progress in the project. During the semester I was tackling many difficult courses that require a lot of studying and I volunteered and worked during the weekends. Once the semester ended, it didn’t get easier. I decided to work full-time while also continuing to volunteer and come to the lab every week. It left me very not a lot of free time for myself and I sometimes it felt almost impossible to find an inhibitory synapse and I felt burnt out. But I would try to remind myself that it wasn’t ever meant to be an easy task. We expected to have much less inhibitory synapses compared to excitatory, now it’s our job to find out where those are located and from there, we can see how it all goes together. And from that we can improve our understanding of inhibitory neurons and why the brain is programmed to them this way. This project allowed me to appreciate all the hard work people put into neuroscience research. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done, and a lot of knowledge is required to get this work done. This has transformed my way of seeing how research is done and what it takes to get significant data.


  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.


This change is valuable because it has taught me that certain things you need to do in life require a lot of hard work and dedication to get them done. I plan on going to medical school in the near future, I often hear about how much of a strenuous task it is to get through it and then become a doctor, but because of this experience, I can now appreciate how difficult it is to become an expert is a certain field. Many things began to weigh down on me during the semester and the summer. Everything from work, family, and academics, it all started to pile up and I felt like it was never going to end. I learned that the only way out is to push through. I also learned to never forget the end goal of whatever you’re doing, because you always have a reason for why you started it in the first place, and for me, that was often enough motivation to keep me going and continue to work hard.