- Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project entailed.
My STEP Signature Project involved me taking part in manufacturing research. Over the course of a few months, our team created an intelligent system that could autonomously coat aircraft parts and improve itself with human feedback through an augmented reality environment. More specifically, I designed, developed, and integrated a novel user interface in an augmented reality environment. I worked specifically on honing my development skills as well as learning the industry standard.
- What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or transformation that took place.
Over the course of this project, I learned a great deal a great deal about the field I intend to go into. With the majority of my computer science experience coming from course material, I had grown used to the constrained nature of academic assignments along with the objective grades associated with them. Once I began my STEP project, I quickly realized this experience would be quite different. The questions and problems are so incredibly open ended there were times where I didn’t even know where to start. It’s not like a class project where I can look at the notes, see we learned about a certain data structure or algorithm, and use that. This project really showed me the open-endedness of the problems in the field and forced me to learn how to apply the foundations I learned in my coursework to construct a possible solution to these problems.
I also learned a lot about myself during this project. Before I started this, all of my personal projects were half baked ideas that only got worked on for about a week before being lost to the sands of time. Because of the challenging nature of this project, I had to force myself to be productive in a way that I have never had to before. Like most procrastinators, the fear of the deadline is a main motivator, and as a result work does not get done unless there is a deadline. With the only deadline being months away, it was difficult to get started din the beginning. To try to get around this, my coworker and I created something called a sprint sheet and applied the agile development methodology, a common standard in many software development roles, to create artificial deadlines. This is now something I use not only in other group projects I take part in, but also my personal life. On top of this, I also learned a lot about how to better communicate with people in the ways I would have to in industry.
- What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project that led to this change/transformation.
I learned about the open-endedness of my field almost immediately when I started. On the first day, I was handed a HoloLens and was told that it somehow had to connect to our ROS network (essentially, it needed the ability to commutate to the rest of the robotic system). Development for the HoloLens is already a very niche topic, let alone trying to make it communicate with ROS, another very niche topic. The open-endedness and lack of material on the subject made it incredibly difficult to make progress at first. However, extensive research and testing with the tools available allowed me to find a solution and move on to implementing the rest of the project.
While implementing this project, the way I think about my coursework transformed as well. In the past it has been purely a numbers game. Do whatever it takes to get a good grade. While getting good grades is a generally beneficial thing, it is entirely possible to get good grades while also learning nothing. For some topic and classes, this is exactly what happened. There were many cases where I had to apply the things I learned in class. For example, the error calculation for our path planning took too long on the HoloLens’ limited resources and as a result we had to move it onto a different thread to help the frame rate, a topic that I learned about in my Systems II class. We also had to implement our own custom data types and we had to choose our foundational data structures, topics I learned about in Foundations II and Software II. Without the knowledge gained from these courses, I would not have been able to complete the work I did especially in the capacity that I was able to. This clear application as truly changed the way I will approach my future courses.
Lastly, this project has transformed my communication abilities. Before this, I was not very good a public speaking and was generally unable to clearly communicate my points. As I mentioned earlier, I had used the agile development methodology to help me make progress on my work. Part of this system involved giving a weekly “stand up” which consists of talking about the progress that was made in any given weeks along with roadblocks and other updates. This weekly update helped me learn how to deliver technical updates in a clear and concise manner, a skill that will be incredibly useful in my career. During this project, I also attended a poster session where I presented the work I had completed. This was my first time at a poster session and the first time I had to present something I had put all of my time and effort into. While it was incredibly challenging at first, I was eventually able to get the summary of my work down, and I was able to clearly portray how and why implemented thing the way I did as well as why my research was important.
- Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or professional goals and future plans.
The skills I learned and the transformations that took place during this project will be incredibly helpful throughout my career. When I first started, I had to learn how to effectively use new technologies, frameworks and languages that I have never used before and apply them to an problem I had no idea how to solve. This taught me how to learn incredibly quickly and taught me how to use that new information to solve problems that don’t really have an answer. Talking with the people I met during this project has taught me that many of the problems and projects in the field are similar and will not go away any time soon, making this a great skill to have as I try to progress my professional career.
The transformation of my communication skills will also be incredibly useful, not just for my academic career but in just about every aspect of my life. The ability to clearly and effectively communicate points, especially in a technical position, is very useful and the practice and help I got during this project is incredibly valuable.
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