Trust The Process-Becoming A Personal Trainer (STEP Reflection)


  1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project

Over the course of the past few months, I have spent countless hours in the gym and studying for my certified personal trainer exam. Through physical and mental hard work, I have successfully become a NASM CPT (National Academy of Sports and Medicine-Certified Personal Trainer).

  1. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project?

Completing my STEP Leadership Project transformed my life and mindset. Before taking the STEP course, I had no idea what I wanted to spend the grant money on, but I have found that I need to Trust the Process. Until COVID sent us all home, I was planning on using my money for an internship, but instead I was able to push myself and put in work to become a certified personal trainer. I physically saw myself getting stronger each day at the gym, and I am equally as mentally strong because of the gym. This project helped me develop a strong educational foundation of the human body and the power it can produce. I know for a fact that the gym has saved my life, and I am so excited to be able to start working in a gym and be able to share my passion and knowledge with others. 

  1. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?

Over the course of the past five months, my self transformation has been overwhelming. I wish I could go back and talk to my past self because I have learned so much about the human body, as well as my own body. Throughout my project, I had a mentor who was super helpful because I was able to ask questions as I worked through the course. I spent a lot of time by myself, whether it was in the gym, reading the textbook, writing papers, taking quizzes, watching lectures, etc. It provided me with an abundant amount of time to reflect on the current choices I was making in my life, and what I could do to help my future self. Taking this course showed me that I am the only person standing in the way of what I want, and if I want something bad enough I should never stop and just trust the process of life. 

I did receive my certification, but I am excited because I now will partake in GymInternship near Columbus. I am currently still being placed in a gym, but I am ready to channel my energy into coaching. The relationships I have built with my own coaches over the past few months, at CrossFit Grandview, has been really inspiring. I learn something new everyday when I go to the gym, and I want to help others find their own strength. The mind is often the limiting factor in the gym, and I really believe I can help transform, other people like I did myself. 

The highlight event of completing this project was passing my exam. After weeks of studying for hours daily, I took my exam and was told I passed within minutes. The feeling I experienced was overwhelming and I knew that I had made the right choice on how I spent my STEP Leadership Project money. I am ready to continue to grow as a leader, and I feel like the NASM CPT course has prepared me to tackle whatever challenges come my way.

  1. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?

This transformation is one of the largest assets in my life because I believe it is possible for me to open my own gym. I now think I want to open a gym where clients with various backgrounds can feel at home. I want to be able to create 3D Printed limbs for the limb difference community, as that has been another area I have focused my time at OSU on. Getting this certification also sets me apart from other fitness people, where I feel like I am already professional ahead of where I thought I would be. Overall, I am so grateful for having done this project and I believe it will continue to open doors for me to be able to blend fitness and engineering. 

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