STEP Post-Project Reflection

1. Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project.

For my STEP Signature Project, I participated in the Washington Academic Internship Program in Washington, D.C. for twelve weeks this summer. During this project, I lived in Capitol Hill and earned twelve credit hours while attending classes, participating in professional development workshops, and going on study tours each week. I also worked as the Congressional Affairs Intern for the American Maritime Congress, where I conducted policy research, attended legislative hearings, and created content while managing our social media accounts.

2. What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project?

During my STEP Signature Project, I discovered my ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment and further developed my strengths in communication, critical thinking, and teamwork. This transformative journey not only refined my skills in policy research and content creation but also allowed me to build a valuable network in Washington, D.C. Engaging with diverse audiences through social media highlighted how different perspectives can enrich public dialogue, especially on significant topics like public policy. Living and working on Capitol Hill deepened my understanding of legislative complexities and broadened my appreciation for the profound impact of thoughtful policy-making. Additionally, balancing coursework, professional development, and internship duties sharpened my time management and adaptability. Ultimately, this experience has reshaped my perspective on the nation’s legislative processes and highlighted the crucial roles that policy, communication, and public advocacy play in shaping those processes.

3. What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?

Over the course of my STEP Signature Project, attending hearings on Capitol Hill was a pivotal experience that deepened my understanding of legislative complexities and highlighted the importance of thoughtful policy-making. Two hearings in particular—a session on maritime security and relations with China, and another on the response to a major bridge collapse—stood out to me. These hearings illustrated the importance of informed, strategic policy-making and how advocacy impacts real-world outcomes. Observing how our government addresses diverse stakeholder needs especially enriched my understanding of the legislative process. This experience has profoundly shaped my approach to public service, emphasizing the need for strategic decision-making and thoughtful engagement to drive meaningful policy change.

In addition to attending Capitol Hill hearings, participating in professional development workshops, cultivating a strong relationship with my manager and WAIP mentor, and engaging in insightful coffee chats with industry professionals made my STEP Project transformative. These experiences were instrumental in shaping my understanding of public service careers and underscored the importance of networking and establishing meaningful connections in public affairs. Through these interactions, I gained a nuanced perspective on various public sector career paths, deepened my knowledge of the intricacies of public service roles, and expanded my professional network in Washington, D.C. This exposure not only broadened my career outlook but also highlighted the value of building and maintaining professional relationships for both personal and career growth.

A third and final experience that contributed to these changes was working directly on a bill related to supporting the maritime industry with my boss. In a detailed meeting where we discussed and edited the bill for several hours, I interacted with maritime industry professionals and learned about what is feasible to ask of Congress and what is necessary for making a bill a success. This hands-on involvement provided me with invaluable insights into the legislative process and offered first-hand experience in shaping policy. It taught me the complexities of drafting legislation and the importance of detailed, informed input from experts when trying to craft effective policies.

Overall, attending Capitol Hill hearings, engaging in professional development workshops, and participating in drafting legislation were pivotal experiences that contributed to my transformation this summer. These experiences honed my communication, critical thinking, and networking skills, deepened my understanding of public service and policy-making, and reshaped my perspective on the importance of strategic engagement and effective advocacy when creating impactful public policy.

4. Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?

The transformation I experienced during my STEP Signature Project is significant because it has directly advanced my academic and professional goals in public service. By immersing myself in the fast-paced environment of policy and engaging deeply with the legislative process, I have gained a nuanced understanding of policy-making and its real-world impacts. This experience has refined my skills in communication, critical thinking, and strategic advocacy—key components of a successful career in public service. Additionally, working on legislative drafting and attending high-stakes hearings provided me with firsthand knowledge of how thoughtful, informed policy can drive meaningful change. Building a robust professional network in Washington, D.C., and gaining insights from industry experts will be crucial for securing a role in public service in the future. Overall, the personal and professional growth I achieved this summer not only enhanced my ability to succeed in government and public policy but has also motivated me to continue pursuing impactful policy solutions.