STEP Internship Reflection

1. During my STEP Signature Project, I interned as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst at DC Advisory. My daily responsibilities included assisting clients with the sale of their businesses and creating sophisticated and detailed PowerPoint presentations to facilitate discussions between sellers and buyers throughout the mergers and acquisitions process.


2. During my summer internship in the field of Investment Banking, particularly in mergers and acquisitions, I gained a profound appreciation for the intricate and essential work that happens behind the scenes when businesses buy and sell one another. For instance, when the average person reads a headline about a company acquiring another, such as Sprint acquiring T-Mobile in 2020, they might skim over it without realizing the extensive process involved. There’s an entire world of activity that goes into making these deals happen.

The process of making an acquisition involves multiple layers, far beyond the business transactions alone. There are significant personal components, especially in cases where the CEOs are the founders who have owned their companies for decades and are now looking to sell. In these instances, when an Investment Bank steps in to facilitate the process, it can be highly emotional. Founders often see their companies as their “babies,” and selling them is a significant and personal milestone. When the deal is completed, these founders are rewarded with substantial financial gains, enabling them to secure their future, fund their children’s education, cover essential expenses, and plan for retirement. The mergers and acquisitions process is not just a headline; it is a complex, 6-9 month journey filled with countless underlying details and emotional moments.



3. During my STEP Signature Project, my internship in Investment Banking, the transformation I experienced was deeply influenced by my personal interactions with the CEOs of founder-owned companies that we helped sell. One memorable event was working on the sale of a family-owned business where I had the chance to meet the CEO, who’s parents had built the company from the ground up and now they had taken over to keep it running. Hearing their story firsthand, from the initial struggles to the eventual success, gave me a profound appreciation for the dedication and hard work that goes into building a business. This interaction made me realize the emotional weight behind these transactions and the significance of our role in facilitating such pivotal moments in their lives.

Engaging with these CEOs allowed me to understand their personal stakes and the deep attachment they had to their businesses. These conversations were enlightening, as they highlighted the human aspect of mergers and acquisitions, which often gets overshadowed by the financial and strategic elements. These interactions taught me the importance of empathy and listening in our profession, as these CEOs were entrusting us to help them sell something incredibly precious to them.

These experiences had a transformational impact on me, changing how I view the business world and my role within it. Understanding the personal stories behind these transactions made me realize that investment banking is not just about numbers and deals but it’s also about helping people navigate significant life changes. This perspective shift has not only deepened my appreciation for the field but also motivated me to approach my work with greater sensitivity and respect for the individuals involved. It reinforced the value of building genuine relationships and the importance of seeing beyond the financial aspects to the human stories at the heart of each transaction.



4. This transformational experience matters to my future goals and plans because it solidified that I want to continue working in the investment banking industry. Understanding the personal stories and emotional journeys of the CEOs I interacted with has given me a profound sense of purpose in my career. It made me realize that I want to be there to make a meaningful impact, guiding these leaders through the complexities of the selling in the mergers & acquisitions process, which is often unfamiliar and daunting for them.

Being able to empathize with their situations and provide the necessary support during such a significant transition is incredibly fulfilling. This experience has taught me the importance of combining technical expertise with emotional intelligence, and I am committed to bringing both to my future roles. I look forward to building genuine relationships with clients, helping them navigate the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions, and ensuring they feel understood and supported throughout the process. This approach not only benefits my clients but also aligns with my personal values and aspirations, making my career in investment banking both professionally rewarding and personally meaningful.