Structural Integrity of Material Summer Intership

The main activities I did for my STEP Signature Project were testing and researching how welding effects the steels at Hochschule Osnabrück in Osnabrück, Germany. I grinded, etched, tensile tested, abrasion evaluated and took microstructural pictures of the steels. I also graphed and helped produce English procedures of using the equipment.

Before this project, I assumed that research was a remarkably simple and straightforward process. Through this project I have found that this is not the case. You must do research to figure out how to do the test and collect the correct equipment. I also learned that preparation of the material before the test is the most important thing in the procedure. This has taught me that not only in research but in everything I do I could benefit from this way of doing things as well as to ask for expert advice.

There is a couple of interactions and activities during my STEP Project that led me to this transformation of preparing ahead of time as well as asking for help. Some of them were the requirements to get there and the procedures I had to do to prepare the material. I learned that preparation is especially important key to doing things properly, but I also learned that things happen, and you need to have the strength to go with the flow as well as ask for help.


My first experience of learning this is the requirement before getting to Germany. There were many things I had to prepare before going over. Some of them included setting up housing over there, health insurance, and enrolling in both OSU and Hochschule Osnabrück. The most difficult requirement I had to get was the health insurance. There were many questions about the health insurance that forced me to ask for help from these insurance companies and faculty members. This also helped me learning that things happen, but I will be fine, and I just needed to go with the flow.

My next experience was preparing the material for testing. My lab supervisor asked me though provoking questions on what the best way of testing is something and gave me hints on ways to do the testing. Through learning these procedures, it helps me ask the correct questions to ask as well as learn that nothing goes as fast or simple as we want it. My last experience was with my co-workers. I wish I prepared myself and learned some German before coming. This effected with making valuable connections with some of my co-worker due to the language barrier. Another thing that my co-workers taught me is that I need to make my wants clearly or it could be interpreted incorrectly. This helped me prepare for when I talk to my co-workers and ask my other co-worker to convey what I mean as well as not let things hold me up.

This change is unbelievably valuable in my life. It not only helps me academically and personally, but also professionally. It helps me personally with my relationship and how I interact with others. This helped remember that most things are temporary and enjoy where you are. It helps me academically to understand more the research side of my major as well as helped me have a greater understanding of the material. It also helped me realize that some procedures are tedious but are necessary for getting the desired results, which can be correlated to most things in life. This experience helps me professional by understanding the work of research and to think of produce procedures to only evaluate that specific thing of the material. This also helps me with my future goals of being in a company that is international.