1: For my STEP signature project, I was able to do an industrial and systems engineering co-op with COTA at their McKinley office here in Columbus. During these 6 months, I was able to work in the engineering department and help out with their day-to-day tasks. I was also able to work on my own project that included data collection and interpretation, creating a solution based on the data, and presenting the solution.
2: Going into this internship, I had no idea what to expect. I had no previous experience of the corporate world and even less experience about the workings of a bus or transit authority. Walking into my first day, I was unsure how my skills would fit into a work environment. I was nervous that I wouldn’t be equipped to handle everything that was thrown at me. I also had no idea how interacting with co-workers would go. But, as the months went by, I learned to trust myself more and have more confidence. I did have enough knowledge to be able to do a good job. I had the work ethic to be able to learn about things I had no exposure to previously. I also did make strong connections with my co-workers that I never thought possible.
Additionally, I gained a new insight about the world. It was fascinating to be able to see how the busses worked behind the scenes. I never thought there were so many different parts that would come together to create a transit authority. It was incredible to be able to interact with many different departments and see what they do for people. I also was able to get a feel for how working for government/public sector is like and how that affects the way things get done. I thought making change would be easy to implement but in reality, it takes a lot of work and convincing for any difference to be made. This gave me a newfound appreciation for the people who care about making a difference and put in the effort to actually make that difference. Also, I was able to see how important it is for a company to care about its employees and its customers.
3: Interacting with my mentor had the largest impact on the transformation I had. My mentor was incredibly supportive and had a unique perspective on the world. He was able to guide me through my project (since I was working alone) and instill confidence that I would produce good quality work. He also really like to talk about how things at COTA worked and how public sector differed from private sector. He was the one who talked about what it takes for things to be implemented at COTA. He was the one who told me how things are approached in the public vs private sector. He really did have a huge impact on the way I see things.
Being at COTA gave me the chance to interact with a lot of people in power and people in different departments. I was able to meet with people from IT and HR but also people as high as the CEO of COTA. It was really helpful to be able to talk about the ideas I had for my project and gain a perspective of things I could implement for its success. It really reassured me that I did know how to approach & solve problems and how to communicate with other people. Being able to interact with these different departments also gave me a good idea of the type of people who need to come together to make a company work. Everyone has had their own unique journey that contributed to them finding their place at COTA. It was really interesting to hear all about it.
Lastly, being able to tag along and join miscellaneous events was extremely helpful and insightful. Here, I was able to see what the company was about. It showed me how much COTA does care about its employees. There were all sorts of events catered towards giving employees benefits (like massages, mammograms, free lunches, free ice cream, etc…). There were also events catered towards giving back to the community (volunteering at events like red white and boom, hosting food drives, etc…). It is nice to see how a company takes action to make a good work environment for its employees and a good community for its costumers. It brought to my attention how I value that in a company and I want to make sure that whoever I work for has these aspects to them as well.
4: This internship experience will definitely be one I will never forget. From the work experience to the people I’ve met, the lessons I’ve learned will stick with me and be applied for potentially forever. Academically, I will feel more confident about my problem solving skills. This can be applied to homework problems I’m struggling with, exams, and even group projects. Being able to approach problems with confidence Is extremely important in being successful in college. This internship has reassured me of my abilities and has motivated me to continue doing well. It has also increased my confidence in creating relationships with other peers and faculty. If I’m able to do it at this internship then I’ll be able to do it at school too.
When it comes to my professional life, I will try to make sure that I’m with a company that has a similar vibe to COTA. What I mean by that is I want to make sure that I’m in an environment that will be able to help me gain/keep confidence in myself. I don’t want to feel as though I’m inadequate in my job. I also want to be apart of a company that not only cares about its customers, but about it’s employees as well. Getting those benefits can make coming to work feel so much more worth it. Additionally, being able to be surrounded by different types of people who are willing to share knowledge is important. I want to be able to talk with people of differing status and departments. I want to be able to get that different perspective in the future, regardless of what position I’m in.