1) My STEP signature project involved working with Columbus Children’s Theatre as an arts administration intern and as a member of run crew for their School of Rock production. While in the office, I worked with each department of CCT to complete their daily administrative tasks such as receipt reconciliation, creating marketing material, and attending season planning meetings. As a run crew member, I assisted with audio technology and shifting set pieces during the show.
2) While completing this STEP signature project, I experienced a change in my perception of the arts and their importance. The arts provide the basic human need to express our inner emotions and share stories. They also create spaces where vulnerability and community support are the norm. I experienced this support while working on run crew in a way that I had not in the past. I saw the way that participating in the arts had allowed those around me to thrive and find community – and in some cases, this was a life-saving experience. This led to the realization of the arts being an essential part of the cultural ecosystem and has expanded the way I view art. I no longer think of art as something to experience passively as a nice reward for working hard in other ways. Art is something to participate in actively and inherently; giving as much value to the production of art as one would to any other field of work.
I also experienced a change in my perception of myself and how I can contribute to society. I have often felt that my desire to work in the arts should be pursued as a hobby and that to have a meaningful life, I would need to work in a more traditionally accepted field like medicine or education. After this internship, I have a better understanding of what it means to have a “meaningful” life and the many ways in which the arts do contribute to the well-being of a community. My desire to work in these spaces is valuable as a career and I can be confident that I will be helping the world be a better place by doing so.
3) Columbus Children’s Theatre works as a combination of a professional theatre company and an educational company. Part of my internship involved working with their summer camp and educational director to help prepare each day. I got to see firsthand the soft skills that participating in theatre teaches young children. It was amazing to see how much confidence and self-assurance these kids developed in just one week. They learned problem-solving, practiced creativity, and became more confident in public speaking and performing. These are all valuable skill sets both within and outside of the arts. Seeing this growth in just a short time contributed to my realization that the arts are essential to creating a healthy cultural environment and can benefit sectors and industries that might be unexpected.
Another component of my internship with Columbus Children’s Theatre involved working on a run crew for their production of School of Rock. During this time I experienced a lot of growth in my confidence. I was asked to work as the audio assistant and was given responsibility for the microphone technology. This was a big sign of others’ confidence in me and reminded me of the technical expertise that is needed to work in the theatre industry. It reassured me that there is real knowledge and skillsets behind working in the arts. This realization has helped me put more value in my work.
A relationship I developed during this internship is with the artistic director of Columbus Children’s Theatre. I spoke extensively with him about the future of the company and how they are working to expand their impact on the community. In our discussions, I learned how much careful planning and thought goes into the running of an arts company. I was challenged to think about the meaning of being a “professional” theatre and how we can carry that commitment to excellence into every part of the company. These discussions expanded my understanding of arts administration and again reinforced my new value in the arts as a career.
4) The transformation in my valuation of the arts I have described above is significant because it has given me the courage to pursue a career in the arts. I was concerned before this internship about the value of working in the arts and its ability to give me a fulfilling and challenging experience. Now that I see the arts in this new light, I feel more inspired to learn more and gain the technical skillsets needed to work professionally in the arts. I also feel more confident that my work in the arts will be personally and culturally significant. I believe that the arts improve people’s quality of life and that working in the arts will feel fulfilling.
Month: June 2023
Fisher Global Consulting – Madrid, Spain
For my STEP Signature Project, I participated in the Fisher Global Consulting Corporate program located in Madrid, Spain, where I spent three weeks of May working as a consultant for a corporate company. I traveled and stayed with fourteen other Ohio State students throughout the three weeks, as we lived in apartment-style accommodations and immersed ourselves in the Spanish culture.
This experience abroad provided me with the opportunity to not only develop my professional business skills but also promote my personal growth and confidence. Before embarking on this trip, I was nervous to work in a corporate environment since this was my first real-world business opportunity, and I heavily doubted my ability to succeed due to my lack of experience. I was also nervous to be living and traveling with an entirely new group of people I had never met before, as we navigate a foreign country. When I compare these uneasy feelings from beforehand to the amazing experience I had, I realize I have been selling myself short in my own abilities. This experience pushed me outside of my comfort zone and helped me understand that I am capable of more than I think, and that I should be more confident in myself both professionally and personally.
My consulting team consisted of three other Fisher business students, and we were assigned to work for the global commercial real estate company CBRE. We were tasked with completing GAP analyses for two of CBRE’s commercial assets, which would initiate their LEED certification processes. I had no knowledge about ESG and sustainability in the real estate industry before starting this project, and I doubted my ability to add any true value as a consultant because of this. But, my team and I quickly picked up on the processes with the guidance of our advisor, and we familiarized ourselves with the standards and criteria of LEED certification to be able to complete our analyses. Although the task was foreign and intimidating for me at first, our team presented a successful final presentation and received great feedback for our work. This success helped me recognize some valuable skills I possess that had not been clear to me before, which boosted my overall professional confidence and encourages me to further strengthen my skills for future professional challenges.
The program consisted of fourteen other Fisher College of Business students who I lived and traveled with, three of them being on my consulting team that I also worked with. I was nervous about signing up for an experience abroad where I didn’t know anyone, especially since we would be navigating through a new country that we weren’t familiar with. After initially meeting everyone in Madrid at the start of the trip, our group became close as we spent so much together. We got to explore the sights of Madrid, eat at countless local restaurants, and even took a group trip to Barcelona for the weekend. I’m grateful for all of the new friendships I made throughout these three weeks, and I feel that in the future, I would now have more confidence going into experiences like this without knowing anyone.
By the end of my time in Madrid, the city became a place that felt like another home. At first, living and working in a foreign place was overwhelming and intimidating because of the language barrier, cultural differences, and being far from home. But the more time I spent exploring and immersing myself in the Spanish culture, I discovered a true sense of belonging in Madrid that grew a profound appreciation for the city. Through this, I not only embraced and strengthened my independence from the comforts of home but also learned to adapt to a new culture and form a new sense of home in an unfamiliar environment.
I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to work and live abroad because it broadened my self-perception and confidence in both my professional and personal life. In the past, I struggled with self-doubt as I continually questioned my own skills and ability to contribute value to various things. Overall, participating in this program helped me to realize that I am capable of greater things than my mind anticipates, and I proved this to myself through my successes and accomplishments throughout this experience. Having a greater understanding of my skills and capabilities, I feel more confident in my future professional and personal endeavors.
STEP Reflection- Nick Kalady (Fisher Global Consulting- Madrid, Spain)
For my STEP Signature Project, I traveled to Madrid, Spain from May 5th to May 27th through the Fisher Global Consulting Program. Within a group of four undergraduate students, we redesigned the proposal writing process for Sacyr, a global engineering company. Outside of work, I was able to immerse myself in Spanish culture by visiting tourist attractions and exploring the city.
Before this immersive experience, I had never left the country. I had lived in Ohio for as long as I could remember. Older peers had always told me that traveling abroad was not only a fun experience but one that forces you to broaden your perspective on life. As I prepared for my adventure, I was excited, yet nervous.
Upon reflection of my time, I have learned how to address team conflict and gained a greater appreciation for different ways of life. Professionally, my team worked each day to redesign the proposal writing process for our company. From scratch, the team researched, collaborated, and ordered steps in the process to be more agile. I valued creating clear modes of communication and steps for how disagreements should be addressed. I transformed my mindset and realized that everyone in my group has different interests and expertise; I understood that I was only one piece of the team. I know that learning how to work with others and understanding their passions is something that I will take onward in my pursuits. Culturally, I had the opportunity to visit three cities in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, and Toledo. In each, I was in awe looking at the architecture, food offerings, and more. I grew to learn about the history of each city and the importance of specific attractions. These trips opened my eyes to the vast lifestyles that are lived around the globe. I have a new perspective on America given what I have seen and encountered in Europe. Also, I have a greater appreciation for my circumstances growing up. Through relationships formed abroad, I took away how positive and engaging my mentors were about their culture and how to explore it. I hope to bring this positive mindset and energy when meeting new people in any facet of my life.
I think that I was able to grow professionally and with my mindset throughout the three weeks. Each morning during the work week, I, along with my three team members, traveled to Sacyr’s headquarters. It took us 45 minutes each way and we traveled on the metro system. By the end of the three weeks, the team had mastered the system and gained an appreciation for it. On the first day of work, we were given a vague problem and asked to deliver a final presentation with our solution in three weeks. With such an ambiguous task, the team broke down the job into three steps: research, assemblance, and presentation. The research phase was individual and took around three days. Assembling each new step of the template was the most difficult part of the experience. Often on key issues of where to put a step in the proposal process, individuals disagreed. In those times, we asked for guidance and clarity from our supervisor and gave the floor to hear others’ points of view. In addition, we had an agenda each morning and a team debrief at the end of the day. The key takeaway for me was that there must be clear and open communication when working in a team and with the client. Also, it is valuable to hear others’ perspectives as it may be beneficial to learn and implement solutions. In the end, after assembling, we divided up the work for the slideshow presentation and delivered a finished product that was well received. The project made us learn about construction proposal writing, working in teams, and how to take initiative on ambiguous tasks.
Throughout my time, there were two main relationships that gave me a broader perspective on Spanish culture and my view of the world. The first was with my boss, Juan. Each morning, Juan greeted our team at work with a positive attitude and was always there to help. Beyond his kindness, he was extremely experienced and intelligent. I asked Juan about our project and also about my Madrid experience. He recommended restaurant after restaurant, and experience after experience. Juan cared about us as people, and that is something I will try to bring to every relationship I can. My favorite interaction was when he took us out to a paella lunch during our last week. The food was the best that I had had on the trip. Beyond this, I was able to hear about his family and his advice to use your time wisely by experiencing all that life has to offer. The next valued relationship was with my in-country housing coordinator, Carlota. Carlota also was an extremely kind individual who cared for my interests and Spain’s offering. She sat next to me at both the Flamenco dancing night and at a bullfight to explain the cultural significance of each. I was able to learn so much about the importance of these events and historically how they came about. Both these individuals guided me and are symbols of kindness. They exceeded my expectations and I saw how their upbringing impacted them. I hope to bring their positive attitude to more interactions in my life and better understand where people come from.
The highlights of my trip occurred when I experienced Spanish culture firsthand. In each event, I was able to fit in with Spanish locals and enjoy learning about different customs. On the first night, all Ohio State students on the trip went to a restaurant and watched Flamenco dancing, a musical style associated with Spain. It was incredible the passion of the dancers and how the crowd was into the act; it was something I had never seen before. The next week, I went to a bullfight. This event was a gory celebration of the bull who eventually is killed by “El matador”. Although unspeakable to me, it was a celebration and a new meaning for life. I was able to think of this from a different perspective after hearing about the history of it from Carlota. Other adventures in Madrid included exercising going through parks, walking through the Plaza Mayor, or listening to a presentation on the European Union. In addition, I was able to experience a childhood dream to visit the Santiago Bernabeu, Real Madrid’s stadium. I had the opportunity to go to two soccer games in Madrid. Hearing the passionate fans care about their team and their city was an exciting environment. Going to Barcelona, we visited the famous cathedral and entered multiple museums. While in Toledo, we explored the historical city on the hill and learned about the importance of swords. Experiencing this culture made me appreciate the intricate architecture, food, and perspectives that the locals brought to life. In exploring these, I was able to create experiences and memories that broader my view of the world and the lifestyles that are lived.
My insights from this trip will help me push toward my personal and professional goals. Professionally, I hope to work as a consultant after graduation. These three weeks gave me the experience to work in the field and apply the knowledge I had learned in school. Learning how to communicate and deal with difficult decisions in a team is a skill that I will take into this profession. Culturally, my broadened perspective will allow me to be more open when hearing someone’s point of view or past experiences. Experiences and living in a community other than my own taught me how to interact with strangers and understand cultural importance. Lastly, personally, my mindset has shifted and I will now try to experience and enjoy opportunities that come up to make the most of my time. I will be more positive and enthusiastic to make an impact on others like Juan and Carlota did on me. I am forever grateful to have gone to Madrid, Spain, and know that I have come back with a more mature mindset and professional experience.
Fisher Global Consulting-Stockholm, Sweden
My STEP project has changed my views on the workplace and I will carry this with me throughout my life. The main activities that my STEP Signature Project entailed was keeping in contact with my co-workers, collecting data, and forming a presentation that would help my company gain a competitive edge. During this time of 3 weeks, in Stockholm, Sweden with seven other OSU students, I was able to learn so much about the culture. A work-life balance is highly stressed in Sweden, and our project was able to give us a balance and a great opportunity to learn.
Starting off, I learned that the world is much larger than we think, and that everyone thinks in a different way. All around the world, people live under different ideologies, which affects the way people think and act. While in Sweden, I realized that I have a very Americanized approach to work. This being that work is something I can’t truly enjoy because work is meant to put food on the table. In Sweden, I learned that work can both be something that you enjoy, and something that you get paid to do. During my time at work, I was able to meet so many wonderful people that enjoy coming to work everyday, enjoyed their fika breaks, and had a really positive outlook on their work/life balance. I think that going into my professional career, this is something that I will look back at because knowing how much I enjoyed the culture at BSH, makes me want to spread this ideology wherever I go in my future.
It started off when we first arrived at BSH headquarters. Myself, along with the seven other OSU students on this project, were all greeted with open arms and a huge smile on everyone’s face. Everyone knew us already as the “Ohio State Students,” and everyone was super eager to meet us. It came as a shock to me of how welcoming, and warm everyone was, because everyone went out of their way to welcome us to the office. Everyone came down into our office space to talk with us, because they wanted to meet us, wanted to know our experiences, wanted to know who we were, and they all were all very genuine. After the first day, I knew this project would change my view on the workplace.
After our first week, we were accumulating a lot of research and data. We were on a really great pace to succeed, but we were also a little confused. Our project scope was a little broad at first, and we wanted to make sure that we were on the right path. The managers at BSH wanted to make sure that we were on the right path as well, and made sure to schedule hours of meetings, time out of their own day, to chat with us and make sure that we felt comfortable. Our manager even flew out from Finland just to see us. After discussing our ideas with our manager, she loved every single one of them, and even started jumping up and down from excitement. I started to think to myself that the culture was very different, as I felt like I would never see that in America.
During the same week, the company had a cookout, and all of the interns were invited. From this, we were able to meet half of the big office, and continued to go on lunch trips throughout the week together. From this experience, I was able to meet so many people that I will continue to talk to throughout my life. The whole office showed signs of hospitality, togetherness, and great culture that I feel like I wouldn’t regularly be able to experience in America since the work culture is so different in the United States. I felt truly enveloped in their culture of fun and togetherness in the workplace, and learned so much from this experience.
This change was of the utmost importance for my life due to the happiness I was able to experience while working. I feel as though most people go about their lives by working in a job that may not make them as happy, and going through this experience has taught me that being happy in a future career is so important. It makes you more productive, more friendly, and keeps you satisfied until you retire. I will take what I have learned from this internship, and I will make sure that I spend my career doing something that makes myself happy and the people around me happy. It has taught me to have a positive outlook on going to work, and truly enjoying yourself while you are working, and I will take this with me for the rest of my life.
STEP Signature Project Reflection: Fisher Global Consulting Singapore Program
Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project
I had the opportunity to partake in the Fisher Global Consulting Corporate Program located in Singapore taking place from May 3rd to June 5th (including travel days). During my global internship in Singapore, I was able to manage a 4-week global consulting project alongside fellow Ohio State students at Allianz Trade, an international trade credit insurance company, and fulfill certain deliverables in order to create and advertise their 2023 APAC Trade & Insolvency Survey. Some of these deliverables included comparing past years’ survey questions and reports, setting up 2023 survey questions, completing marketing assets (such as digital ads, a website landing page, an email campaign template, etc), researching business sentiments around topics of trade and insolvencies, and collaborating with the marketing team to finalize the survey launch and report distribution.
What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP Signature Project?
While completing my STEP Signature Project, I had an incredibly transformational experience, as I was able to further my understanding of myself, my aspirations, and my worldviews. Regarding my personal life, I was able to identify my various strengths and weaknesses in the workplace and when working with a team. Throughout my internship, I discovered my strengths in problem-solving, strategic thinking, and organization, but was also able to recognize areas in which I can improve (like creative thinking or receiving feedback). I also learned how to effectively work and communicate with my team to achieve our project deliverables. Working alongside my peers helped me realize that when many different people are given the opportunity to use their insight, experiences, and skill sets to contribute to a shared goal, the outcome ends up being so much more valuable than what it would have been if there was a lack of representation. Moreover, my interest in consulting grew immensely as I was able to explore different marketing platforms/ business operations and provide suggestions on best practices for creating and marketing the survey. This experience made me realize that I can truly envision myself pursuing a career in consulting and making meaningful contributions to the business world.
Additionally, living and working in Singapore, a multicultural city-state composed of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and many other ethnic communities, greatly expanded and transformed my worldviews and cultural awareness. The vibrant diversity of Singapore allowed me to witness firsthand the coexistence of various languages, cultural traditions, and cuisines. Interacting with individuals from different backgrounds provided me with a deeper understanding and appreciation for their unique perspectives. Throughout my time there, I continuously challenged my previous assumptions, beliefs, and preconceived notions and recognized the importance of celebrating diversity.
What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in #2, and how did those affect you?
During my STEP Signature Project at Allianz Trade in Singapore, several key aspects of my experiences contributed to transformative changes in both my personal life and goals. First, I was able to interact closely with my Ohio State peers as we navigated challenges together and built strong bonds. Through this teamwork, I discovered the valuable contributions I bring as a team member, and these discoveries empowered me to set higher goals for myself, both academically and professionally. I also had very meaningful interactions with my supervisors and with the marketing team, as they continuously provided me with opportunities for learning and for growth. There were many instances in which I was able to receive feedback from my supervisors. This proved to be extremely beneficial, as I was able to identify areas in which I excel but also areas in which I can improve. Additionally, I truly enjoyed being able to set up meetings with the marketing team at Allianz Trade and form strong connections with each individual. The relationships I formed allowed me to learn more about the world of trade credit insurance, about the marketing field, how to utilize platforms like Marketo or Salesforce, and will prove to be beneficial for me in my future endeavors.
Furthermore, my STEP Signature Project in Singapore exposed me to a diverse society that enhanced my worldviews and knowledge of other cultures. Interacting with the local community, trying new cuisines, and exploring different neighborhoods like Chinatown and Little India allowed me to fully experience Singapore’s cultural diversity. For example, I frequently ate at hawker centers, which are large food markets with numerous stalls serving many different types of foods, and this allowed me to experience a diverse range of cuisines and step out of my comfort zone. Throughout my time in Singapore, I also became more knowledgeable about the laws and customs of the country. Understanding and respecting Singapore’s strict regulations and social norms exposed me to a way of living completely different from my own and taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity.
Moreover, Singapore’s natural beauty (like the Singapore Zoo, Gardens by the Bay, the Botanical Gardens, and so much more) provided me with moments of serenity and peace. Exploring these places allowed me to recognize the importance of environmental preservation and properly caring for our planet. I was able to reflect on how we as individuals can practice sustainability in our everyday lives and combat the detrimental effects of climate change. In conclusion, this program provided me with experiences, both within and outside the workplace, that expanded my cultural awareness and transformed the way I perceive the world.
Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your life?
The changes and transformations I experienced hold immense significance and value for my academic, personal, and professional goals. First, this project helped me realize my passion for a career in consulting. Actively participating in the global consulting project at Allianz Trade provided me with firsthand exposure to the consulting field and allowed me to develop essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, creativity, leadership, and so much more. This experience solidified my interest in consulting and helped set me up for success as I embark upon my future endeavors. The project enabled me to understand the challenges that accompany a career in consulting, network with knowledgeable business professionals, and feel empowered as I begin searching for consulting internships.
Furthermore, my passion for learning about other cultures aligns strongly with the multifaceted experience that this program provided me with. The exposure to Singapore’s multicultural society and interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds enriched my understanding of the world. My new sense of cultural awareness and global citizen mindset will prove extremely valuable in my academic, personal, and professional goals. As a consultant, I will often engage with clients and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, and my ability to navigate cultural differences and foster inclusivity will be essential. In conclusion, participating in this Fisher Global Consulting Corporate Program proved to be extremely transformative for all aspects of my life and truly enhanced my undergraduate experience at Ohio State.
FGC Step Reflection
This May, I partook in the Fisher Global Consulting Project located in Milan, Italy. We were assigned to BIP (Business Integrated Group) Consulting. We were tasked with developing a marketing strategy for a product to be released in the U.S Market.
The project we worked on was a tool to promote DE&I across companies in the United States. Throughout the process, I gained valuable insights into companies’ DE&I initiatives and how we can drive change in the future. One crucial aspect we explored was the notion of tokenism. We wanted to ensure that our product went beyond window-dressing for companies’ DE&I efforts. Instead, we aimed to empower organizations to gain genuine awareness of their current DE&I progress and equip them with ways to enhance it.
Additionally, my experience allowed me to immerse in Italian culture. I had the opportunity to delve into Italy’s rich history and appreciate the art. Additionally, I admired the country’s family-oriented values and the slow living philosophy. This revelation served as a reminder of how, as Americans, we often neglect to pause and savor the beauty around us.
During our work on the product, it became evident to my team that Italians see America as a place that requires improvement in the realm of DE&I. The disparities in DE&I issues between the U.S. and Italy sparked many insightful and open discussions. These conversations revealed a pressing need for ongoing structural changes within corporate America regarding DE&I. However, we also realized the importance of avoiding tokenism and implementing appropriate strategies to address these concerns.
Additionally, talking with our colleagues provided an interesting perspective on the less polarized nature of politics in Italy. It fascinated me how not everyone felt compelled to align themselves with a specific side, fostering an atmosphere of diverse viewpoints and ideas.
We had several opportunities to explore cities such as Venice, Florence, Amalfi, Rome, and Bologna. Each city had its unique characteristics, yet they all shared a deep appreciation for history and art. I found it interesting that we often travel to Europe to witness old, historic things, while Europeans may journey to America to experience new, innovative, and modern aspects. Additionally, visiting family-run restaurants and markets allowed us to witness the care and intention behind every item they sold.
Coming back from Italy, I find myself with a fresh perspective. Rather than perceiving politics, history, and culture solely from an American standpoint, I now embrace a broader viewpoint. These invaluable insights will shape my future decision-making processes, ensuring that I integrate the lessons I’ve learned.
Additionally, the relaxed and family-oriented culture I experienced in Italy has left an impact on my own life. I have become more conscious of the importance of meaningful relationships, cherishing them as a priority. Furthermore, I have come to appreciate the significance of relaxation and finding joy in the present moment, realizing that it is not always about being hyper-productive.
Regarding politics, my time in Italy helped me realize that it is not about blindly aligning oneself with a specific side. Rather, it is crucial to make decisions that align with one’s core beliefs and values, standing firm in those convictions. Italy provided me with the clarity to understand the importance of staying true to oneself and making principled choices.
Fisher Global Consulting–Madrid, Spain
I had the opportunity to participate in the Fisher College of Business’ global consulting internship program in Madrid, Spain. During this time, I worked on a team of three other students to consult for the commercial real estate company, CBRE. Through collaboration with my teammates and the broader CBRE team, we successfully completed two GAP analyses focused on sustainability for commercial real estate assets, with the objective of achieving LEED certification. This involved extensive research and analysis of sustainable solutions tailored to meet sustainability goals and align with LEED initiatives.
This experience pushed me to broaden my understanding of sustainability’s role in business operations and identify opportunities for improvement that exist on a global scale. Being abroad allowed me to discover just how valuable sustainability is to businesses in other countries. Before embarking on this project, I was aware of many businesses’ written commitment to sustainability but had little experience in seeing these missions executed. By working toward LEED certification with CBRE, I was able to learn about all the ways businesses operate to comply with their sustainability goals. Furthermore, as a consultant for the company, I also studied solutions to improve sustainability operations among organizations, making recommendations for growth. This challenged me to learn as much as I could about this field in order to successfully complete my work in this position.
During the project, our consulting team met daily with our project advisor who taught us how to complete our projects as efficiently as possible, given minimal resources. In the completion of GAP analyses for LEED certification, consultants often rely on information provided by the client. This can be challenging at times because clients either don’t have all the information needed or aren’t able to provide it within deadlines. Through these challenges, I got a lot better at adapting and finding new avenues to complete the same goal. This also required a full effort from our team, bringing us a lot closer.
Serving as our team’s engagement manager, maintaining a positive team dynamic throughout the challenges we faced also harvested a lot of leadership growth for me. I explored different ways to motivate each team member to persevere despite setbacks that arose in the consulting process. To do so, I had to establish an understanding with each of the team members to fully grasp our mutual goals and plans to reach them. Upon doing this, tackling challenges with the team became much more seamless because we each knew how to play into our individual strengths in any given situation.
Strengthening our team dynamic ultimately led to a successful project outcome, satisfying our clients, as well as solidifying our relationship with CBRE. Over the course of the month, we combined information about our client assets with our own research on sustainable solutions for business operations to produce a final deliverable that we presented to a broader CBRE team, including their Chief Financial Officer. This presentation outlined the asset in its current state, the certification credentials required, and our recommendation of sustainable solutions. This presentation not only allowed the clients to continue the LEED certification process, but also gave them valuable insights for improvement of their ESG framework.
The consulting work that our team did for CBRE in Madrid was both enlightening and fulfilling. Before this internship, I had done small consulting projects but none with quite the impact that our work at CBRE had. Consulting for CBRE on a global scale opened my eyes to the potential that consulting work has in bettering corporate organizations’ influence on culture, society, and our environment. Watching the research and advice our team composed being implemented on an organizational level was so inspiring. It has awakened a passion in me and motivated me to seek consulting opportunities post grad so I can continue to incite change in the business world.

First day in the CBRE Madrid office

Weekend trip to Toledo, España

The FGC CBRE team with our final deliverable

Visit to the Alcazar in Toledo, España
Step Reflection – Brynn Hillard
My STEP signature project was a Fisher Corporate Consulting project in Madrid, Spain working for a company named Sacyr. Throughout the span of my project I worked on a team of four working to advise the company on ways in which to make the office more technologically advanced while also giving general recommendations to increase productivity.
In result of completing this project my world view changed in many ways specifically with the way I view myself and my capabilities. While working on this project I thought that I would have a very hard time adjusting to the different office culture within Spain, yet by the end of the project I had proven my ability to adjust to the different environment. Going into the project I worked on having little assumptions about what the project and my interactions with others would look like. In result of the completion of this project my world perspective has drastically broadened as I have never lived out of the country for a period of time before. I am now much more focused on leaning about the culture of other places and why people may have different customs than that of the United States.
One key relationship that shaped my transformation in result of this project was the one between my direct manager and I. At first when coming into the office I found it hard to relate to my boss as it felt as if he was a stern man who did not have much concern about the United States. By the end of the project I was able to clearly communicate with my manager and understand more about the communication techniques that he saw as normal and understand them better. This relationship really helped me to feel more comfortable interacting with strangers outside of the daily work we had assigned within the company.
An additional activity that contributed to my understanding and helped to open up my assumptions of what I thought working with the company would be like was conducting interviews to a few of the other employees within the company. Throughout these interviews my team and I were able to directly interact with a larger group of employees than we were used to interacting with within the office. The majority of the individuals we interviewed for our project were younger in their 20 -30s and it was refreshing to learn what perspectives they had as young adults living in a different country. These interviews helped me to break down any assumptions I had about the different work and lifestyle I thought people in Spain would embody and I was able to talk to these employees as they were my friends having a casual conversation.
Finally, the most empowering interactions I had while working on this project was that of the ones with the other Ohio State Students also working on projects within Madrid. Working together to navigate the city and complete job tasks I was able to be relied upon as a leader. This experience allowed me to boost my confidence within my abilities to completely go into an experience not knowing anyone or much about where I am going to live and come out of it feeling as if I have accomplished so much. I found that many of my peers also looked to me to plan things to see such as history museums and they appreciated my desire to learn as much about Madrid as possible.
This transformation is significant within my life because I have always questioned my ability to potentially work abroad in the future and after this trip I have gained the confidence to know I would be able to do well living abroad if the opportunity presented itself. Now that I have actually worked with a company and learned about the culture within Spain, I feel that I can push myself to continue to learn more about the history and traditions while I am back in the United States. This project has reignited the excitement within me to learn about places unlike what I am used to living around at home. I now want to challenge myself to continue to learn and travel as much as I possibly can and continue to learn throughout every step of the way. The project was valuable to me in many ways and I am excited to seek out opportunities in the future that can help me in the way this program did.
Fisher Global Consulting Program – Milan, Italy
My STEP signature project was through the Fisher Global Consulting Program. Through this program, I traveled to Milan, Italy, and consulted with BIP, an international consulting company. While in Milan, I formed unbreakable bonds and unforgettable memories with my team.
This experience was my first time traveling outside of the United States which was nerve-racking for me. I was not sure what to expect and if I would be able to solve problems on my own. Once I got to Milan, I knew that I could figure things out with the help of my peers. I learned that I was much more capable than I initially thought. I was able to solve problems quickly and follow my intuition to make the right choices. This experience has taught me to bet on myself more in life because I am more capable than I know.
Three main events allowed me to come to the conclusion I presented above. When I first arrive in Milan I was terrified that I would not be able to communicate my needs to other people due to the language barrier. Although it was hard at first, I was able to feel more comfortable as certain phrases became familiar but also to my surprise many people spoke English. Many people were willing to help as they could tell that we were out of place. I learned that as long as I put myself out there and asked for help things were easier to figure out.
The second event was when my friends and I traveled to Naples to see Capri, Sorrento, Positano, and Amalfi. Throughout our travels on the first day, everything went smoothly, but day 2 did not go as planned. Once we got to Amalfi Coast all the ferries got canceled leaving us essentially stranded since our hostel was located in Sorrento. While at dinner around 5:00, we learned that there was a bus leaving for Sorrento at 5:30. Quickly my friends and I all jumped into problem-solving mode. I got the tickets as my friends got the bill, we made it on the bus and eventually made it home.
The final experience that showed me how capable I was of diving into new experiences was when we were about to present our final project and my boss decided that minute to completely change the presentation that we worked so hard on. We were frustrated because we all had our parts situated and ready for our presentation. He decided that he only wanted us to present certain slides and only wanted one of us to present. Reluctantly, I presented unsure of how I was going to do because I was confident in my slides but not everyone else’s. After the presentation, I realized that I was capable and things went better than I thought they were going to.
This transformation has significantly increased my confidence and taught me that as long as I put myself out there things tend to work out okay in the end. I am so grateful for this experience as it has brought me some lifelong friends. Not only have I transformed as an individual but I have grown significantly within the business world. Presenting our final deliverable to not only my boss but his boss and stakeholders within the company taught me that I can do hard things. My friend, Bailey, always said “Growth and comfort do not coexist” and that is something that will stick with me forever as I take on new experiences.
STEP Reflection- Allison Lachman
- My STEP Signature Project was a global internship through the Fisher College of Business in Madrid, Spain. The program was 3 weeks long and I interned as a consultant at Sacyr, a global construction firm. My fellow interns and I were tasked with redesigning the proposal writing process the company currently uses. Each day we researched, brainstormed, and designed in order to present our final project. In the end, we were able to develop a completely new template and incorporate our own ideas and research finds.
- I truly had a transformative experience in Madrid and learned more about myself and my capabilities than I ever thought was possible. I had never traveled outside of the country prior to this trip so to be given this opportunity was something I will forever be grateful for. I absolutely loved the culture, architecture, and food in Madrid. I had to learn how to adapt to new surroundings rather quickly and by day 3 I found myself swiftly navigating the metro and conversing with the locals! I proved to myself that regardless of where I end up post graduation, I am more than capable of adjusting to a new environment. I am quite the homebody but this experience taught me that I have a sense of adventure and can take on the world!
As far as the internship portion of my trip, I retained many valuable skills that I will take with me into the world of business. Having to work with a team every day definitely had its challenges, as we all had differing perspectives to contribute. My biggest takeaway from this was learning how to compromise within a team in order to make important decisions. It definitely took time to find our group dynamic but once we did we were very successful. I am so grateful to have developed my teamwork skills in such a significant way from working at Sacyr.
- My time at Sacyr in Madrid has changed me in countless ways. From all of the amazing relationships I formed, the key business skills I adapted from working in a corporate setting, and the self discovery along the way, I definitely have grown for the better. One of the most influential people I met on my journey was our supervisor at Sacyr, Juan Grimaldi. Juan constantly encouraged me to share my opinions in team meetings and validated my thoughts even when I was anxious to present them. This instilled a new sense of confidence in me and allowed me to confirm to myself that I am cut out for the business field. After our final presentation, Juan gave me some very useful pointers and applauded my public speaking ability. Receiving such positive guidance and feedback from someone so high up in an international company has given me the drive I need to succeed in the business world.
The project my team was tasked with competing was very outside of my comfort zone. When I first learned that our team would be consulting for a construction firm, I was highly anxious because my interests are in fashion and marketing. However, what I didn’t know at the time is that working in a field completely new to me would broaden my horizons greatly. I feel as though I am a much more well rounded candidate now as I have experience in all aspects of business. I don’t particularly like the construction businesses but am so proud of myself for using my skills to bring a fresh perspective to our final project. I brought a sense of creativity to the field and it felt really rewarding to add my own spin on the project. The success of the final presentation showed me that it doesn’t matter what company I am placed in, I am able to use my knowledge and skills to succeed.
The group of people who impacted my experience the most was definitely my team at Sacyr. I was in a group of three other students from Ohio State and we all had to be in agreement of what we wanted to present to the board. This was by far one of the most challenging things I have ever had to do as some of my group mates had very different ideas from mine. I had to learn how to collaborate, compromise, and work through disagreements in order to ensure the final project was near perfect. I used my voice to speak up and ensure my opinions were being considered which was not easy for me. I learned how to be patient and hear out other ideas as well as how to properly convey my own. This is definitely the skill set that I believe will benefit me the most in the real world.
- The transformations that I experienced during my time in Madrid are very valuable to all aspects of my life and have made me a better person all around for the future. Traveling abroad definitely altered my perspective on the things that matter most in life. I tend to stress a lot about academics and allow one bad grade to consume my life. Now that I have seen what the world has to offer and was able to experience life abroad, I know that in the grand scheme of things one bad grade does not define me. As far as my personal life, I have built so many important friendships from this experience. I arrived in Madrid with fifteen strangers from Ohio State and returned with a group of close friends. Living abroad together for three weeks and living through all of these amazing experiences has bonded us all for life and I am beyond grateful to have met the most amazing people! I think I have learned and grown professionally the most out of any aspect. I hadn’t had the opportunity to work a 9-5 corporate style job prior to my time at Sacyr. I felt very immersed into the business and was able to really picture myself working in this environment. I polished my public speaking, teamwork, and quick thinking skills over the course of my three weeks at Sacyr and am excited to take my improved skillset with me to future jobs. All in all, this internship in Madrid was the best experience of my entire life and the friends I made, lessons I learned, and experiences I lived were absolutely life changing.