Ethan Mayerson – Summer Internship – Crowe Reflection

For my STEP Signature Project, I chose to do a summer internship. Starting in June 2023, I began working for Crowe LLP as a Valuations Intern in the company’s Advisory practice. Located in Denver, Colorado I both worked and lived in the city.

Throughout my STEP Signature Project, I learned a great deal about myself, the world outside of Columbus, and more specifically how to be a professional. When thinking about my personal growth this summer, I had a fair number of opportunities and moments where I was able to learn and develop who I am as a person. Living alone for the first time in my life, and living outside of Columbus, Ohio for the first time since I was 10-weeks old, there were many adjustments to be made. One of the key parts of my personal growth this summer was my growing appreciation for being outdoors and in nature. I was able to discover a deep passion for taking walks, going on hikes, and taking the time to step back from work and the stresses of the world. This also greatly reduced my stress throughout the days and led to another key source of personal development: learning to be patient and accept what I cannot control. Being raised in the generation of “instant gratification”, I have always had a hard time with waiting for things to happen or accepting that I simply cannot control them. This summer, I truly believe that my mindset shifted into one of patience, understanding, and acceptance. Furthermore, having time outside of Columbus and living in downtown Denver on my own were transformative experiences in my understanding of the world outside my own. Experiencing the plight of locals in a gentrified community, what it’s truly like to live like an adult with few support systems and meet people who come from all different backgrounds truly helped me expand my world view. My transformation into becoming more patient and understanding, and my discovery of my love for the outdoors, not only were fantastic for my mental health but also my growth as a human being.

Furthermore, I also greatly developed my skills as a professional in the workplace. This summer was my first time working in an office, and I truly feel that I had to learn how to interact with colleagues and clients in an entirely different way from the work-from-home  lifestyle that I had learned in the past. Shaking hands, making eye contact, and constantly being willing to be pulled into new and exciting projects is the name of the in-person game, and I truly feel that I learned and developed all these skills this summer. Not only did I learn how to act in an office, but I also learned how to take the knowledge I have learned in the classroom. After taking core business administration classes and my upper-level finance courses, I had a great deal of theoretical knowledge that I was eager to apply to real-world problems. This STEP Signature Project allowed me to do just that by applying valuation methodologies as an Advisory Valuations intern. Working in various industries such as Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, and Construction / Home Building I was also able to understand unique qualities about each different company, valuation request, and industry.

One of the key events that led to my personal transformation was my very first solo hike. After arriving in Colorado, I made it a personal goal to try and hike at least once a weekend. My very first weekend, I was able to make it to the Chautauqua Trail in Boulder, Colorado and hike a beautiful trail. I started and quickly realized most people around me were with a buddy or a dog. So, I just listened to music and made my way to the top. When I reached it, I really felt a profound sense of confidence and satisfaction, and I felt totally comfortable. I realized that this was what I really enjoyed doing and where I felt most comfortable.

Another key event this summer that was a true event of transformation for the summer was taking public transportation as my main form of transportation this summer. While to many this may not seem like a major decision, for me this was a way to completely open up my eyes to the world around me. In the past, my high school didn’t have a bus and I grew up in a suburb, so I have been driving pretty much everywhere since I was 16 years old. And besides the occasional vacation, I rarely had taken public transportation, and I had definitely never used it for daily tasks like getting to work and groceries. I learned what it was like to have to plan out my days and my next move meticulously, as well as respect and monitor my surroundings.

Furthermore, a key interaction throughout this summer was that I worked in an office for the first time ever. Ever since I arrived on campus in the Fall of 2020, I have been dealing with the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic. I worked virtually for multiple companies, took multiple classes online, interviewed on Microsoft Teams, and have done the majority if not all of my employment tasks online. This summer, my experience changed entirely. I had the fortune of working for a company in the hybrid model, but I worked in-person four days a week. This new task of coming into the office everyday I thought gave me many unique privileges that I had not been able to experience before and really maximized my growth and enjoyment throughout the whole summer. My interactions with my colleagues occurred so much more often than in the past, and our conversations were more meaningful than I had ever imagined having with a co-worker. I felt that my opinions on the workplace and my outlook for my career have been entirely transformed.

I believe that I have fundamentally changed as a person after my experiences through my STEP Signature Project this past summer. I’ve grown as a professional, as a person, and as a member of society. Regarding my professional development throughout this project, I believe that this transformation will likely be one of the most important gains of my summer. As a 4th year student, I will soon be entering the job force and it is my opinion that the professional development I underwent this summer will be invaluable as I do just that. Learning how to act in an office setting, learning how to network and interact with clients, and most importantly, learning the technical skills behind the job itself are all extremely important attributes that I gained during my STEP signature project. These essential skills will carry me through my professional career and also help me get the start that I need.

Additionally, I believe my growth as a person will serve me well for the rest of my life no matter the environment I am in. My worldview has expanded and I have found a passion outside of the 9-5 that I believe will help me find happiness and comfort. Having an expanded worldview I believe will particularly help me as I move into the post-graduate phase of my life: searching for new friends, looking for new opportunities, and trying to fit in in a new environment. After this summer, I feel confident and prepared to explore all that the world has to offer.

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