Government Affairs Internship at G2G Consulting

This summer I interned at G2G Consulting, which stands for Government2Growth. The founder and President is Liz Powell, a highly accomplished individual. G2G Consulting is a government affairs company that works at the federal level and state of Ohio level. Most of their team, which is about 7 people, is in Cleveland and a couple are in Washington D.C. They specialize in representing innovation, with a particular emphasis on healthcare issues. As an intern I gained experience, knowledge, and connections.

This was my first professional job, so it gave me confidence to know that I can make it in a professional workplace. Additionally, I learned significantly more about my career field of politics. I learned a great more about how things work on Capitol Hill. Finally, my view of lobbying has become more favorable.

The greatest skill I gained was knowledge of the Hill. Before this internship I knew nothing about appropriations and how to lobby. Now, I understand that it requires meeting with Congressional Staffers and writing bill language for them to bring to their bosses. I also learned some technical skills, such as Microsoft Outlook scheduling and tips for BloombergGovernment (BGOV) website.

I made a great impression on my bosses. I routinely churned out quality work, and they would regularly praise me. This gives me the confidence to know that I can have a successful career. I would regularly sit in on meetings, which was a great experience. As a result, I would listen and learn about how to influence. This means that I learned about how people in DC operate. Another benefit of sitting on meetings is that I feel like I have expanded my network.

I fit into the mission of the organization by making content that can be distributed to clients and team members. Often, I would be responsible for researching and taking notes on newly introduced bills, hearings, or webinars. The G2G logo would be added to my notes and it would be sent to clients, which adds value in the sense that the company is showing they care about clients’ priorities. Additionally I would schedule meetings between my boss and Congressional staff. This helps G2G advocate for their clients by allowing my boss to present an argument for why the client should be appropriated money.

This project was important to me because I want a career in politics and I have to start somewhere. I felt like this summer was a really great first step in my career. Specifically, I feel like what I learn in class has more meaning because I see the value in what is being taught. Additionally, I am more skilled with talking to others, which translates to a better personal life. Finally, I did such a good job that my internship site has offered me an extension. Because of this internship, it has led to post-college opportunity.

It was rewarding to work on political issues and get paid for it. I love politics and would have done this for free because I was so desperate to find an internship and gain experience. Another rewarding part was when the company paid for me to go to a fundraiser downtown at Pins.