Canadian Parliament Internship – STEP Reflection

For my STEP Signature Project, I decided to participate in the Canadian Parliament Internship Program offered through the Department of Political Science. During the program, I spent 5 weeks interning in the office of Member of Parliament Judy Sgro. I did everything from writing speeches for my MP, drafting letters to constituents, and attending committee meetings in which my MP was involved.

After completing the internship, I gained a newfound understanding of the world of politics. Although I have always loved politics and the chance it gives people to help the most vulnerable members of our society, I did find myself frustrated with the nature of politics and the occasional abandonment of one’s morals and true beliefs to forward the success of one’s party. As a double major in Political Science and Journalism, I found myself questioning many statements made by MPs, desiring to discover more details surrounding certain topics and a craving to question the truth behind those statements. Although I look up to politicians as role models in my life, this internship caused me to stray slightly in my desire to pursue a career in politics. I understand that there are plenty of other jobs attorney, magistrate, advocate, journalist that can allow me to have an influence without the restrictions that result from the nature of politics. 

Additionally, I was also transformed by the political ideologies specific to Canada. A variety of popular beliefs in Canada are often considered too radical in the United States, such as universal health care, legalized marijuana, stricter gun control legislation, etc. Despite American politicians spouting the “impossibility” of legislation like universal health care, the Canadians clearly disprove it. In addition, basic systems like campaign schedules in Canada lead to incredibly decreased spending costs, allowing ordinary individuals to pursue a career in politics, unlike in the United States where there are no caps on campaign spending.

Although I gained eye-opening exposure to the inner-workings of the Canadian government, I also gained exposure to the often repetitive nature of political rhetoric which although can be incredibly inspiring, to be the one crafting the same message time and time again to constituents I started to lose the inspiration so often associated with politics. I found myself using the same jargon regarding the horrors of climate change or the importance of female leadership all true, yet it began to seem slightly insincere. Nevertheless, I felt empowered to voice the beliefs of my MP regarding various issues in her community. Additionally, another event that caused me to lose faith in my desire to pursue a political career is the notion of party over country. For instance, a motion to declare a national climate emergency was introduced to the House by the NDP a minority party. Although the Liberal Party has similar stances to the NDP regarding climate change, they refused to accept the motion simply because they didn’t want to give in to opposite party lines.

Another area of the Canadian system I found slightly frustrating was Question Period. Televised for an hour each day, Question Period was established in the House of Commons so minority governments can “question” the majority to hold them accountable. Although it was quite entertaining to see MPs attack each other for even the most trivial of matters, it often felt like a glorified PR stunt that gave in to tribal politics. Regardless, I do understand the attempt to hold other members of government accountable, however, it became tiring to hear MPs drone on about insignificant events that could have been spent in a committee or passing legislation. Despite these instances that are likely present in every political system I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Parliament. It was interesting to juxtapose the Canadian Parliamentary system with the American representative democratic system. 

This internship was incredibly transformational in regards to my personal and academic goals. I had the opportunity to draft constituency letters, write speeches for my MP, and attend committee meetings. Doing so allowed me to gain an inside perspective into the process of legislation and the way politics is conducted in Canada. Although I loved the experience, it helped me to realize my preference to pursue a career in the legal field rather than working for a political official. However, due to the skills I developed from the program, I am open to working for other politicians in the future to further my understanding of the political system in various countries. This experience also furthered my desire to eventually attend law school and develop my understanding of the American legal system.

Dalia Khamis’ STEP Experience in the Canadian Parliamentary Internship Program

1 – Brief Description


For my STEP Signature Project, I completed the Canadian Parliamentary Internship Program in Ottawa, Canada between the dates of May 11, 2019 and June 15, 2019. During the internship, I worked in an office of a Canadian Member of Parliament, Ali Ehsassi, as a Parliamentary intern/assistant. I worked directly with MP Ehsassi, as well as with his Legislative Assistant, Peter Augustinavicius, in a variety of work which included, but was not limited to: conducting research and preparing briefings on Parliamentary committees and proceedings, drafting letters for Parliamentary ministers, drafting questions to ask committee witnesses, writing campaign flyers, attending committees and meetings with MP Ehsassi, as well as many other general office duties.


2- Transformations


Throughout the duration of my STEP Project, I felt several of my world views shift, as I was introduced to a broader sphere of work and life that I had never before engaged in. I was able to interact and engage with important people and lawmakers, and to witness and participate in the legislative process firsthand. During my internship, I worked on several issues, which included research, letter writing, and attending meetings about the Rwandan Genocide and Canadian Veterans’ affairs regarding the matter, the current crisis in Myanmar regarding the Rohingya people, the gun issue in Toronto, the Canadian-Chinese relationship, and more. Being able to work on such important, prominent issues, and actually potentially having an effect on how these huge issues play out in the world demonstrated to me just how much influence that we, as individuals, can have in the world. It showed me that no action is too small, and that every single person has the ability to contribute to and make change to right some of the wrongs in our world. Essentially, one of the most transformative aspects of this internship was its ability to show me just how much impact I can have, and why I should never stop working towards principles and goals that I believe in.

In addition to the eye-opening experiences resulting directly from my work as an intern in the office, I have also left this experience feeling more independent and self-reliant. During my time in Ottawa, I was able to quickly adjust to life on my own in the city, as well as quickly growing accustomed to how differently life operates there. There were many differences between my life in Columbus and my life in Ottawa, some of which included me not having a car in Ottawa, and therefore having to walk to most destinations, as well as having to adjust to a slight culture shock between Canada and the United States, which included French everywhere around the city, as well as dealing with different political issues and a different legislative system at work. Ultimately, I have left this experience feeling more confident in my ability to rely on myself and to adapt to life quickly in a new, unfamiliar area. This is very transformative because it has boosted my confidence in myself to be able to move and maintain myself in a new city, following my graduation from the Ohio State University.


3 – Cause of the Transformation


There were a wide variety of work, interactions, and events during my time as an intern which led to the transformative shifting of my world views, following the completion of my internship. One of the most significant events for me during the program was a meeting that I had with a retired Canadian UN Peacekeeper, who had served in Rwanda as a Peacekeeper directly following the Rwandan Genocide. He served in the UNAMIR II mission, which sought to clean up and reconstruct Rwanda in the aftermath of the genocide. The meeting that took place was between the retired Colonel, my MP (Member of Parliament), the Legislative Assistant, and myself. My MP had me sit in on the meeting because I had done the bulk of the research regarding the matter of the Rwanda Peacekeeping Veterans’ lack of recognition and under-appreciation in Canada. The purpose of the meeting was for the colonel to further educate us on what the Peacekeepers endured in Rwanda, as well as what their requests are of the Canadian government to properly honor them for their service. This meeting was one of the most eye-opening and heart wrenching first-hand accounts that I have ever heard from another person about trauma and painful events that they have endured. It demonstrated to me just how tight-knit our world is, and showed me some of the real life impacts that these events that I read about in class actually have on people.


Following the conclusion of that meeting, the colonel thanked me for my hard work and research on the matter, and emphasized his appreciation for my efforts regarding this issue that is so important to him. My MP then had me draft a letter to the Canadian Minister of Defense, regarding the issue of Veterans’ Recognition and Honoring of the UNAMIR II Veterans from Rwanda. This experience as a whole was one of the most transformative for me, as it served as one of those eye-opening moments in which I was able to grasp and realize just how much impact I am truly able to have in the world as an individual, and even more so, through the legislative and bureaucratic processes. In essence, my work on this project and my attendance during this meeting completely altered how I view events or issues in the world that may seem foreign to me, because this meeting personalized it, and brought a very far away issue right to the forefront, and up close to me. This experience ultimately opened my eyes and it is one that I will never forget. 


In addition to the significant eye-opening experiences that I had during my time in the office, also came my newfound ability to quickly adapt and grow accustomed to a new living space and new city in such a short amount of time. Because my job was in a new working environment where I knew no one, I was forced to meet and interact with new people, which thus forced me to step out of my comfort zone and grow more accustomed to speaking with new people, and making myself known and comfortable in the workplace. By doing this, I was able to build a network in a new place that I was temporarily calling home. Additionally, because I had no mode of transportation other than my feet, I was able to quickly become familiar with Ottawa, and simultaneously, comfortable with the city as well. These experiences have lamented my position that I am an adaptable person, and that I will hopefully be able to adjust to any work, area, or situation that I may be put in in the near future. Ultimately, because I was forced to step out of my comfort zone, I was able to grow and to better myself.


4- Significance of the Transformation


The transformations that I have endured during the course of my internship are very significant to me and my future goals, as they demonstrate my ability to grow and further develop myself depending on the different situations and events that I may be put in in the future. By realizing my influence in the world, this transformation will push me to be my best self, and to do as much that I can to help with the causes that I believe in. It has pushed me to want to do more, and to ensure that my life is dedicated to service and to the betterment of others, as well as the betterment of the world. Additionally, my newfound independence and self-reliance will significantly help me in the near future, as I strive for even bigger opportunities, whether that be in internships or jobs in unfamiliar places, or potentially attending law school far from home. By having this confidence in myself to survive and do well in a new area with new faces surrounding me, I am building myself up to become able to engage in as many opportunities as possible. Overall, these transformations have been absolutely vital, and I already feel the positive effects that they have had on me in the immediate aftermath of my STEP Project. I am forever grateful for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that was granted to me to complete this internship and project.


Alyssa’s 2019 Global Project in Auckland, New Zealand

With the help from STEP, I was able to complete a Global Project through Fisher’s Office of Global Business. This corporate consulting project took place in Auckland, New Zealand, where a group of four of us interned at Auckland Transport downtown. We worked 9am-4pm every day and were essentially working to resolve the overcrowding that was taking place within their city limits. We worked in Customer Central and used a design thinking process to come up with solutions and ways for New Zealand citizens to start using alternate pathways. 

A big reason for why I wanted to complete this project was for the challenges and the newness that it presented me. I’ve never been abroad before- let alone travel for 34 hours to get somewhere- so this was a huge step for me. Global travel has always been something I’ve wanted to do so I was very excited to grow in this way and expand my global knowledge. It was a win-win, then, that I got to travel abroad while also getting extensive business experience. Not only was being thousands of miles from home something that pushed me out of my comfort zone, but doing global business itself also changed my business viewpoint entirely. I have always loved learning new ways to conduct business, and I definitely got to experience that through the work we did in the Customer Central office. 

The biggest difference I noticed regarding the way that business is conducted is that New Zealanders (or “Kiwis” as they call themselves) don’t rush anything…at all. They enjoy the little moments just as much as the bigger ones and are really just happy to be doing what they’re doing. That goes for the way they carry out business too! We spent two weeks on one sprint where we interviewed real life users of shared pathways (pathways for multiple different users such as runners, e-scooter and e-bike users etc.), collected notes on their opinions, thoughts, and experiences, and then categorized those notes into point-of-view statements that then led us to a pinch point that needed a solution. It was a process that I have always wanted to learn more about, and now I feel confident speaking on the different parts that make up this version of problem solving. 

The biggest cultural difference had to be the fact that New Zealanders are so open to helping other people. They are patient, forward-thinking, and it’s evident that they want the best for their peers. I admired this aspect of New Zealand culture because it aligns so well with my values and the way that I would like to go about life. 


This trip is one that I will never forget. Every experience I had throughout my four weeks there was impactful in one way or another and contributed to a change in my life. Not only did I grow personally, but I ultimately grew both professionally and globally. It’s special for me to be able to say that I can offer skills I have gained at a global level and use them to help other business practices. I was so moved by the design thinking process we implemented into our 2-week sprint when we interviewed pathway users that I have already been mentioning it to various professionals in the internship that I currently have for the remainder of the summer. I found so much value in the ways that New Zealanders go about conducting business, especially at a government level such as Auckland Transport. Their Customer Central team really focuses on their detailed approach to coming up with a solution to any problem at hand. There were very integral parts of the design thinking process that we used to problem solve that caused us to spend entire days thinking and discussing each interviewee’s opinion of the problem. It amazed me to see this type of organization care so deeply about their citizens’ wellbeing. 

I think the biggest lesson I gathered from my four weeks in such a collaborative, creatively-driven organization was that we don’t always have to have a solution at the snap of a finger, and it’s OK to take as much time as needed in order to come to the best conclusion. As a government organization, there are plenty of people in Auckland who want to voice their opinions and their concerns. However, it was admirable to watch the way that the Customer Central team rallied together, stayed calm, and thought hard on how to get the best outcome. 


This experience has left me with countless experiences that have positively impacted my life in many different ways. Being abroad really showed me the value in going outside of my comfort zone, feeling confident about raising my opinions in the presence of professionals, and sharing my knowledge on issues that might not necessarily fall within my expertise. I’ve always wanted to do something creatively driven along with having the opportunity to work for a greater good. Being able to work in a collaborative/creative environment while also working to solve a problem that is affecting millions of people was so rewarding to me. It truly solidified my desire to pursue that type of career in the future. I will always be grateful for Auckland Transport’s Customer Central team for taking us in so graciously and pushing us to grow and succeed- even if that meant being thousands of miles and one big ocean from our comfort zones. 


Internship with Marketing Activations Group

For my STEP Project I interned with Marketing Activations Group in Columbus, Ohio. As an intern, I helped MAG run their fourth annual sponsorship event with The Columbus Challenger. The Columbus Challenger is a professional tennis tournament that is apart of the Association of Tennis Professionals Challenger Tour. As MAG’s intern, I was responsible for running this tournament completely including caring for all the needs of the athletes and officials.

My mindset towards my future career really changed after working with MAG this summer. As I worked with the marketing team, I was able to learn more about their day to day tasks outside of just this tournament and also the most challenging parts of their positions. It was interesting to hear the intake that each member of the team had about their position with the company.

As a marketing professional at MAG, you are tasked with multiple different events that you must run and execute across the country. Some of their most significant partnerships are with Pepsi and Cooper Tires. The MAG team puts on sponsorship events for these companies at different locations across the nation including Texas, Washington, Florida among a few. Travelling is key for a position at MAG. While some associates travel more than others, you will have to travel to most of your events to ensure they run smoothly.

Hearing more about the day to day life at MAG excited me because I could really see myself wanting to travel to different cities as a beginning to my career as a marketing professional. I have always wanted to experience and travel the world and I think this would be a great way to do that while also connecting with other professionals. After working this event I could really see myself starting out in a career like this where I can travel all the time while I am young and independent. This would be a great way for me to explore different businesses and growing cities.

A few things that I really appreciated about MAG while working this tournament was the overall atmosphere of the work environment. The entire marketing team was participating in running the Columbus Challenger which showed me that MAG is a team oriented company. I like that there are equal playing grounds and that there isn’t obvious competition between associates. I realized through this experience here that I prefer and perform best under a work environment that is laid back. I felt more than welcome and comfortable while I got to work with the associates at MAG. This experience was really reassuring to me that I have a chance to take my future and make what I want of it. The backgrounds of many of the associates working at MAG were all so unique, yet each one of them ended up at the same place. It was encouraging to see that this company is so accepting of many types of educational and professional backgrounds. I realized that what matters most in your career is your ability to problem solve, it doesn’t matter what you look like on paper. If you have an optimistic attitude and want to better yourself everyday you will have no problem finding a way in life.

This experience was valuable to me because I got to have hands on experience of running and coordinating an event. Along with marketing, event planning and management has always appealed to me and I am glad that I got to learn about both during this internship. I now feel confident that I have what it takes to handle a project in another internship, job or career in the future from this experience. Taking on the responsibility that I did over the summer made me realize that I really like helping people. I like creating an experience that makes others happy, and I like being able to be independent and in control. This made me realize that I am a very self motivated worker and hope to have a career one ay where I have endless opportunity to flourish into the business professional that I want to be. Overall, I feel like this experience really confirmed the ideas that I had previously about wanting to be involved in marketing and event management, and made me excited for professional opportunities in the future. I feel confident that I can handle difficult scenarios, and am glad that I challenged myself by taking on this task at such a young age. Not only does it excite me for the future, but I am glad that I have the experience and connections from this internship so that I can apply them to my career in the future.



Global Project in New Zealandf

  1. For my STEP Signature Project I had the opportunity to go to New Zealand and participate in Fisher’s Global Project Program. I was a part of an Ohio State University team of students working with the American Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand where we developed a short survey to effectively collect, analyze, and interpret data surrounding the modern market. The research project was mainly focused on the understanding of the current conditions surrounding American businesses in New Zealand.
  2. Many aspects of my views of myself and the world have changed due to this project. About myself I learned that I can succeed independently if I leave with an open mind and optimism everyday. Additionally, I learned that the corporate world may not be the best fit for me. About the world I learned many things that have really opened my eyes to appreciate other cultures.  Also surrounding myself with people with from different backgrounds transformed my way of thinking in an awesome way.
  3. Many events have transformed the ways I view myself. One of the biggest ones was taking the initiative to driving on the opposite side of the road and adventuring to places that I would have absolutely missed out on if I didn’t drive there myself. Because of this decision I was able to have an experience full of Maori culture and adrenalin. I was able to go white water rafting in the Kaituna River, go black water rafting in the Waitomo glow worm caves, have an amazing Maori experience in the Tamaki Village, and enjoy many geothermal and volcanic attractions in Rotorua. One courageous decision led me to an amazing time where I was able to experience New Zealand in a different way and meet people from all over the world.  Even though other people doubted I would be able to do it, I went in with a positive and courageous attitude and started driving. Now when I try to do things even if other people doubt my abilities to do it, all I would need is the right mentality and to believe in myself.                                                                                                                            There are different aspects to the corporate world in New Zealand. While I really enjoyed meeting people everyday and learning about their journeys and careers, I did not enjoy sitting on a desk and staring at a computer for most of the day. I realized that I like to be able to move around when I work and not just sit in one place. I do know that if I’m doing something that is interesting to me I would enjoy it no matter what. For example, as we were interviewing people for the survey the ones that I was most engaged in were for the health care industry. This makes me want to go into healthcare consulting if I choose to pursue the business path.                                                                                                                           Through multiple events I had the opportunity to meet so many people  from all over the world. I met people from the U.S, France, Denmark, Italy, Australia and many more. Learning about everyone I have met and their different stories makes me want to travel more and meet more people as I appreciate how unique they are in their own way. There are so many examples I could mention but one good one would be a girl I met through white water rafting and keeping in contact till today. Her dream is pilot a helicopter for the rest of her life. She already has a license and her own helicopter. This seemed very interesting to me because really most people dream to be doctors, singers… but not a helicopter pilot. As she talked about what made her passionate about piloting it made me think about how there are so many options of what I could be doing I just need to find it and be passionate about it.
  4. These changes are significant and valuable to my life because they come from experiences that will forever change my life: from the way I see myself, the people around me, and the world we live in. everything I did during this project has led me to believe in my self and to be as adventurous as I can be. It also led me to finding somewhat of a path to follow for a career I would be passionate about. Finally, it introduced to many people who have helped me look at the world differently and appreciate everyone and everything I have in my life.



New Zealand- STEP Reflection

  • The activity that I completed for my STEP Signature Project was a work project for the American Chamber of Commerce during the month of May. During my project, I stayed in the city of Auckland alongside 9 other students as we explored the beautiful country of New Zealand. The project designated to us was to research the latest tax bill created by the New Zealand government which changed the way in which Research & Development expenses could be reported by companies.
  • When I decided to take a trip abroad and travel to the country of New Zealand, I was looking to gain a broader perspective of the world. Not only was I able to gain a broader perspective on the world, but I also gained a very insightful look at how different economies work together and can influence the entire world economy. While I was in New Zealand, I traveled to several different parts of the country including Waiheke Island, Queenstown, and Piha Beach. During these many different excursions I was able to interact with a wide mix of people. These different people gave me a good feel for the people of New Zealand and allowed me to experience the culture. They were all extremely friendly people who appreciated travel and wanted to meet people from all around the world. I felt like the New Zealanders or Kiwis as they are called appreciated travel much more than Americans and really prioritized it in their lives. This made me realize that I too need to prioritize travel in my own life and not only focus on work. This is very important because it allows you to be less stressed and get work done much more efficiently. As a part of my project I got to talk with a number of business leaders in the New Zealand community which allowed me to see how the American and New Zealand economies interacted with one another. The New Zealand economy greatly relies on its American partners and that was unique to see. Oftentimes in America, I do not think of the repercussions of our actions because we are the world’s largest economy and rarely are, we affected. However, it was very interesting to see how greatly the New Zealanders were affected by the actions of America and how it could change their economy.
  • The experiences which had the biggest influence on me were my interactions with the CEO’s and CFO’s of major American companies which operated in New Zealand. When I first went to New Zealand, I thought that the companies would operate in a very different manner than how they did in America. However, in talking to these CEOs and CFO’s I gained a very different point of view. Not only did these companies operating in New Zealand operate in a very similar manner but oftentimes they operated in a more efficient manner. The companies were substantially smaller which meant that they relied on a significantly smaller staff and referred to their American counterparts often.
    • In talking to the CEO’s and CFO’s of these companies I noticed that they had to attend many meetings in America and focus on what was going on there. This was very consistent with the theme of Americans playing a heavy influence on the New Zealand economy. New Zealand is seen as a test market for American companies to see which products work and predict the future success of them. This was very unique to see because America is rarely used as a test market. If the product was successful in New Zealand it would be brought over to America because the two markets are considered very similar. It was very interesting to see how different companies were able to utilize one another in order to prosper.
    • Another experience which helped me grow was reporting to my boss Mike Hearn. Mike gave us a set of objectives in which we were supposed to meet each week which gave our group a sense of what it was like to work in a professional work place. These objectives included setting up and attending a certain number of meetings each week as well as working on our final report. By keeping up with these objectives we were able to stay on track and complete a successful final report. This is similar to how I would work in a real job and allowed me to experience what it is like to work under a deadline.


  • The experiences that I had in New Zealand were so instrumental to me because when I graduate college, I hope to be in the investment banking industry which is a very global field. My time in New Zealand has allowed me to experience a different economy and gives me an advantage over others who have not experienced an international economy. This is very important because investment banking is such a competitive industry and this experience gives me an advantage. I will be able to understand how different economies operate and thus get a better understanding of the environment in which different companies are working in.