Dhruv Taneja Amazon Internship

This summer I interned with Amazon Web Services as Project Manager Intern. This was in New York City and I developed strategic initiatives to further cloud development in the financial services sector. My STEP funds were used to pay my rent during this summer.


There are many transformations that took place throughout my project.  Working at a company like Amazon I gained the ability to thrive and be adaptable in a fast paced environment. By being immersed in the Amazonian culture I was surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the nation and picked up on so many different methodologies in tech. The way I interact with people in a professional setting transformed as well. This is an essential skill for me to possess in the future with my ambition of making a big splash in the tech realm. 


Another transformation I gained is an increase in my technical skills. Working with AWS gave me access to knowledge of future technologies that the world is very much going to be dependent on. These technologies include cloud computing, AI, machine learning, deep learning, and data science. I gained exposure to all these technologies as a young person because in the next few years I will be able to leverage these fresh skill sets and add extreme value to society in the future. This internship with Amazon Web Services pointed me in the right description.


This internship gave me amazing scope of professional life outside of Columbus Ohio. I am very sure that I want to work in either New York City or the West coast after graduation. This internship gave me a taste of what it’s like to be in fast paced city and working for a fast paced company. The opportunities I had this summer opened new doors post-graduation and this truly excites me. 


I’ve never worked outside of the Midwest and inserting myself in the big city on the east coast was the perfect trial period to learn and digest this completely new world. My STEP funds eased the cost of living in New York City allowing me to use my money elsewhere and discover new passions and invest it in avenues for more personal growth that will last a lifetime. I developed as a leader, sealing the deal with this internship bolstered my confidence in myself and my abilities which will definitely become a part of me in the future.  


This internship provided me with new mentors who were able to serve as guiding figures in my professional journey. They became people whom I could confidently rely on and leverage their wisdom to make sure I was on the right track in all my future endeavors. In conclusion this internship experience transformed my  future pathways for the absolute best.