Business Internship

Hayley Enzweiler




  1. I participated in a business-oriented internship at an electrical contracting company. I gained experience in the business world and gained insight as to what I want to do post-graduation. Although I am not interested in electrical work, I accepted this internship specifically for the business experience because I was previously a medical major. This internship helped me land on a career goal that integrates both business and medicine.


  1. When first entering college, I had really no idea what I wanted to do with my life but was set on something in the medical field, so I could make a difference in people’s lives. I had an opinion that working in the business world was not as personally or emotionally rewarding. After my first two years at Ohio State I had changed my major once, and still really had no plan for the future. I began to realize that although I really enjoy the medical field, I am also good at business. Because of this, I decided a business internship would help me better decide what career path was best for me. I realized how many daily interactions with customers can still impact people’s personal lives, and that I could also incorporate the business world into the medical world for my future.



  1. Throughout this internship I met a lot of truly amazing people, both within the company, as well as customers.  Customer service was a huge aspect of this internship. I came to learn that customers come into the company in a variety of moods, and what we do for them both within the business transaction, as well as personally can really impact their day. I relized how much I loved interacting with others, which helped me decide that a desk job with no customer interaction is 100% not for me.

I also worked very closely with many employees who took the time to get to know me and my story and offer any advice they could think of for my future, as well as offer input as to what careers they thought would best suit me. I was taught so many things within the business world like how to prepare an invoice, how to make nightly deposits, how to record transaction, how to file receipts for accounting, about the clock in processes, how they market to new customers, how they decide their prices, who does the estimates, etc. The list could go on forever. I realized that I really enjoyed doing most of what I did daily at work. I always pictured myself working with patients, but now was completely undecided.

This internship also allowed me to network with many people and gave me to reach out to a hospital coordinator. Together we sat down and talking about the never-ending list of medical career opportunities. I included my interest in business as well and learned more about health information technologies, medical billing, and device sales. This internship put me on a path to deciding that I want a future career in medical device sales.


  1. This transformation is incredibly important to my life because I was able to enter my third year of undergraduate education with a new-found confidence. I finally feel as if I know what I want to do with my life and have a plan laid out to get there. I also have many contacts at my disposal for anything I need or any issues I face along my journey to success. This internship really helped me figure out who I am and what I want to do, as well as allow myself to set many goals.

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