About Me

My name is Stephanie Quesenberry. I am 24 years old. I was raised in Columbus, Ohio. I am currently a junior studying English Literature. After completing my undergraduate I plan to attend graduate school to get my masters in literature before starting my career at a publishing house.

My Interest

I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie so one of my favorite things to do is skydiving. I really like it because it gives you a different perspective of the world, and also its beautiful to look out over miles and mile of land. The photo below is actually from my first time ever skydiving.

Other than skydiving I also enjoy reading. As an english literature major reading is what I am doing most of the time. I love classic literature like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Tess of the Duberville, Harry Potter. I also love to travel. I have been to a few places in and out of the country including New York, Florida, and Mexico. I really enjoy experiencing new places and cultures.

I also really enjoy watching football and basketball. My favorite teams are Ohio State, The New England Patriots and the Golden State Warriors.